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  1. 营养均衡:儿童成长发育需要全面均衡的营养,包括蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素、矿物质等。
  2. 生活习惯:培养良好的生活习惯,如规律作息、良好的睡眠质量、适量运动等。
  3. 心理健康: 关注儿童的心理健康问题,关爱、支持和引导儿童建立正确积极的人生观、世界观和价值观。
  4. 安全教育: 包括交通安全、食品安全、防拐防骗、溺水防护等各方面的安全知识。
  5. 预防接种: 积极配合儿童预防接种工作,确保孩子的免疫力。
  6. 常见疾病: 了解常见儿童疾病的预防和治疗,如感冒、发烧、腹泻等。
  7. 饮食指导: 合理搭配饮食,避免垃圾食品,摄入足够的蔬菜水果和纤维素。
  8. 卫生习惯: 培养良好的个人卫生习惯,如常洗手、饭前便后洗手、养成良好口腔卫生习惯等。
  9. 眼保健操: 指导孩子进行适量的眼保健操,预防近视问题。
  10. 家庭教育: 通过家庭教育,引导孩子形成健康的人生观、价值观,提高适应能力,面对生活中的挑战。




Children health teachs directive content

Children health is taught is safeguard what child health grows is important one annulus. Be aimed at children health problem, having a few basic knowledge is indispensable.

Will introduce how to coach the health of children is taught for you below, it is 10 necessary knowledge below:

  1. Nutrition is balanced: Children growing development needs comprehensive and balanced nutrition, include protein, carbohydrate, adipose, vitamin, mineral etc.
  2. Habits and customs: Foster good habits and customs, wait like regular work and rest, good Morpheus quality, right amount motion.
  3. Mental health: Pay close attention to the mental health problem of children, care, support and guide children to establish correct and active philosophy, world outlook and viewpoint of value.
  4. Safe education: Include traffic safety, food safety, prevent abduct cheat, drown defend the safe knowledge that waits for each respect.
  5. Vaccinate: Coordinate children vaccinate work actively, ensure immune force of the child.
  6. Common disease: Know the precaution of common children disease and treatment, if catch a cold, have a fever, diarrhoea.
  7. Food is directive: Reasonable and tie-in food, avoid rubbish food, absorb enough vegetable fruit and cellulose.
  8. Wholesome habit: Foster good individual sanitation to be used to, as usual washs his hands, anteprandial hind wash one's hands, sanitation of good oral cavity is used to nurturance etc.
  9. Eye health care holds: Directive child undertakes right amount eye health care is held, prevent myopic problem.
  10. Domestic education: Adopt domestic education, guide the child to form healthy philosophy, viewpoint of value, rise get used to ability, face the challenge in the life.

10 knowledge nod above is the basics that directive children health teachs, the parent and teaching staff need take seriously and pay close attention to these content, the health that just can ensure children better grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, can let you know the value that children health teachs better, directive children grows healthily.

