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西尔斯育儿法是由美国著名儿科医生威廉·西尔斯(William Sears)和玛莎·西尔斯(Martha Sears)夫妇提出的育儿理论和实践方法。这一育儿法强调建立父母与孩子之间的亲密关系,通过亲密关系来满足孩子的基本需求,培养孩子的自信心和安全感。





  • 亲身抚养:父母亲自照料孩子,包括喂养、洗澡、换尿布等,以建立亲子间的身体接触和情感交流。
  • 母乳喂养:鼓励母乳喂养,认为母乳喂养有助于孩子的生理和心理发育,并有助于母子间的情感联系。
  • 共同睡眠:主张父母与孩子共同睡眠,以促进孩子的安全感和亲子关系。
  • 婴儿携带:倡导使用婴儿背带或吊带,将孩子贴近父母,增强孩子的安全感和信任感。







Xi Ersi Yo law brief introduction

Xi Ersi Yo lawBe by the United States Xi Ersi of · of Williams of famous and paediatrics doctor (William Sears) with Martha · Xi Ersi (Martha Sears) the Yo that the couple puts forward theory and practice method. This one Yo the law emphasizes building the affinity between parents and child, will satisfy basic requirement of the child through affinity, develop self-confident heart of the child and safe sense.

On the west the nuclear psychology of the law reads aloud Er Si Yoer

On the west the nuclear psychology of the law reads aloud Er Si Yoer is close Yo, let parents and child establish close relationship namely, give them persistent care and support in child growing process. The close Yo that Xi Ersi's couple advocates include to be brought up personally, mother milk feed, collective Morpheus and baby are carried wait for practice.

The key of the law carries out Er Si Yoer on the west

In Xi Ersi Yo in the law, close Yo crucial practice includes:

  • Bring up personally: Parents attends personally the child, include raise, bathe, change diaper to wait, kiss in order to build child the body contact between and affection communication.
  • Mother milk feed: Encourage mother milk feed, the physiology that thinks the mother breeds feed conduces to the child and psychological development, conduce to a mother child the affection connection between.
  • Collective Morpheus: View parents and child are collective Morpheus, in order to promote safe feeling of the child and parentage.
  • The baby carries: Advocate use baby braces or condole belt, parents of child press close to, enhance safe feeling of the child and trustful sense.

The influence of the law mixes Er Si Yoer on the west controversy

Xi Ersi Yo the law got the welcome of a lot of parents, they think this is planted close Yo the safe feeling that means conduces to education child and self-confident heart. However, also a few people are opposite this kind of Yo the method raised doubt, think exceeding may bring about the child to lack independent character and autonomy intimately.


Xi Ersi Yo the law is take close Yo seriously one kind Yo theory and practice method, its core depends on building concern intimately between parents and child, satisfy basic requirement of the child thereby, the health of body and mind of stimulative child develops. Parents can be mixed according to oneself circumstance the child's demand, apply Xi Ersi Yo neatly the relevant practice of the law, in order to make the Yo of a sweet harmony environment.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help more parents understand Xi Ersi Yo law, the Yo that is them means is offerred a few inspire and help.
