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日常生活型活动: 如步行、上楼梯、家务、做饭等,适量增加这些日常活动有益于初学者的健康。

基础有氧运动: 如跑步、游泳、骑车等,初学者可以从较低强度开始,慢慢增加运动量,注意呼吸和心率。

核心力量训练: 包括平板支撑、仰卧起坐、桥起等动作,可以帮助初学者提高核心力量,稳固身体的肌肉平衡。

基础重量训练: 使用哑铃或者杠铃,进行基础的推、拉、蹲、举等动作,适当控制重量和次数,注意正确的姿势和呼吸。







Why to need plan of a primary fitness?

For the abecedarian that begins fitness to wanting, it is good that a primary fitness plans to be able to help them plan oneself training arrangement, avoid blindness training to bring about get hurt or the effect is not ideal. Through scientific and reasonable fitness plans, can help abecedarian undertake fitness takes exercise more efficiently, also decrease at the same time get a place difficult of access of catch a cold.

The importance that primary fitness plans

Primary fitness plans to be able to help abecedarian know his body state better not only, also can help them understand the correct pose of each movement in fitness and note better, produce the result of these movements adequately thereby, improve the efficiency that take exercise.

The content that primary fitness plans

Daily life activity: If walk, on stair, housework, cook etc, right amount the health that adds these daily activities to be beneficial to abecedarian.

The foundation has oxygen campaign: Like ran, swim, wait by bike, abecedarian can begin from inferior intensity, add carry momentum slowly, notice breath and heartbeat.

Core force trains: Include flat to prop up, the movement waits since sit-ups, bridge, can help abecedarian enhance core power, the muscle of firm body is balanced.

Fundamental weight trains: Use dumbbell or barbell, have a base push, pull, crouch, lift wait for a movement, control weight and number appropriately, notice correct pose and breath.

The note that primary fitness plans

To abecedarian, important is successive, do not be eager to hope for success. Want to had done sufficient warm up activity before motion, and drawing loosens an activity. Additional, when abecedarian is undertaking fitness plans, can seek the help of professional coach, the body of body situation amount according to oneself is custom-built suitable gymnastical plan.

The effect that primary fitness plans and results

Adopt the primary fitness plan of a system, abecedarian can raise his fitness stage by stage, enhance a constitution, reduce weight, model healthy physique. More important is, fitness plans to be able to let abecedarian understand his body better, the habit that nurturance science exercises, improve life quality.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you make his gymnastical plan better through this article, the life style that allows health makes the one part that you live.

