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  • 兴城古城:兴城古城是一座具有悠久历史的古城堡,城墙完好无损,保存了大量明清古建筑。
  • 兴城海滨浴场:拥有绵延不绝的金色沙滩和清澈碧蓝的海水,是一处度假胜地。
  • 官山国家森林公园:这里山清水秀,空气清新,是个登山健身、避暑纳凉的好地方。







Begin city brief introduction

Start a city, be located in Liaoning to visit distant southwest department, be located in distant east of the peninsula south, it is a history the seaside small town with long, beautiful scenery. Promote urban land with certain boundaries extensive, having advantaged travel resource, it is a destination that is worth to swim.


Head for promote a city to the choice takes plane, train or can be driven oneself. From allowing the airport with the closest city is bright and beautiful city 3 holes airport, head for by plane very convenient. In addition, after taking Gao Tie to reach bright and beautiful city, turning to perhaps take a taxi by the car again also is a right choice. Draw swimming sentence oneself, along Shen Hai high speed arrives at bright and beautiful city to go up next distant brigade high speed can be arrived at start a city.

The tourist attraction is recommended

  • The Gu Cheng that start a city: The Gu Cheng that start a city is an ancient castle that has long history, the city wall is in good condition nondestructive, saved many Ming Qinggu to build.
  • The bathing place that start a city: Have be continuous the seawater of incessant aureate beach and clear dark blue, it is to manage a holiday resort.
  • Park of forest of government-owned hill country: Here picturesque scenery, air is fresh, it is a mountain-climbing fitness, be away for the summer holidays the good place that enjoy the cool.


Local cateGive priority to with seafood, it is characteristic with Spanish mackerel especially. Recommend sampled dish to have dumpling of Spanish mackerel fill, arenaceous pot holothurian soup, Xian child burn crab of white, gold to wait, taste is delicious, cheap and fine.


Promote there is of all kinds hotel to be able to offer an alternative inside the city, have to economy chain hotel from high-grade and luxurious hotel. In addition, still have a few young people brigade is abandoned and civilian constellation chooses for the tourist, can undertake choosing according to oneself budget and demand.

Thank you to read the strategy that travels about starting a city, the journey that hopes above content is starting a city for you provides a few helps and reference, wish you journey is happy!

