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Bare waterBe located in Guizhou Province abide by justice city, it is a small town that fills glamour, also be the travel resort in a lot of person mental view. Churchyard of bare water city has a lot of natural landscape and humanitarian tourist attraction, have gallant landscape view already, also have long historical culture, seek by inquiry comes before attracting many tourists. The article will introduce the travel strategy of bare water in detail for you, let you can prepare somewhat before heading for bare water, enjoy trip better.

Culture of bare water cate

Bare water element has " the countryside of Guizhou boiler village " beautiful praise, characteristic cate of place makes a person lick one's chaps. Taste placeBoiler village, Jellied bean curd, Carry on one's shoulder gets or supply meals at a fixed rateWait for a place fastfood, it is the cate experience that cannot miss absolutely.

Landscape of bare water nature

Green water of bare water river and green hill made the natural scene with bare distinctive water. The tourist can be headed forPalace of bare fire hose, Lotus hole, Hole of water charm dayAnd other places, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Culture of bare water history

Bare water still has long historical culture, for exampleBare water old market, Red Army cemetery of revolutionary martyrsWait for the history vestigial, the historical inside information that makes people OK appreciate bare water and gules culture.

Bare water travel is small stick person

Before set out, the tourist needs to note local climate and geographical case, and note of a few travel. In addition, plan ahead of schedule good journey, choosing likely travel course and traffic way also is very important.

Each place tourist attraction has its distinctive charm, and whole bare water also is mixed because of its distinctive geographical environment distinctive minority culture and appear more rich and colorful. The strategy of bare water travel that hopes article place is offerred can help you be gone to afore one is spent when bare water happy and unforgettable journey!

