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在大自然中,各种元素都对人体健康产生积极作用。比如,阳光 是维生素D的重要来源,同时也能调节人的生物钟,促进睡眠。大自然中的负离子 能够改善人的心情和免疫功能,有助于减轻压力和增强免疫力。此外,绿色植物 可以吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,改善空气质量,有助于降低血压和心率,减轻疲劳。







Nature: The fountainhead of health of body and mind

Nature is one of the mankind's most important resource undoubtedly, it is offerring us to live not only wants air, water and food, also producing far-reaching effect to health of our body and mind at the same time.

The distinctive glamour of nature can alleviate the pressure of people, improve a sentiment, promote attention and creativity. In recent years, more and more research prooves and natural contact can help people reduce angst, depressed wait for a problem with attention blemish. This also is whySilvan bath, Outdoors gem galAndOutskirts therapeuticsWait for an activity to suffer fully pursue the matter that hold in both hands.

Natural element: The effect of natural treatment

In nature, all sorts of elements produce positive effect to human body health. For instance, Sunshine It is the main source of vitamin D, also can adjust at the same time the person's biological clock, stimulative Morpheus. In natureAnion Can improve the person's mood and immune function, conduce to reduce pressure and enhance immune power. In addition, Greenery Can absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, improve air quality, conduce to reduce blood pressure and heartbeat, reduce fatigue.

Walk out of a city, be close to nature

Although modern society gave people to bring a lot of advantage, but also avoided to bring hard pressure and unwell. Accordingly, close nature made a kind of important way of life. People can choose to arrive on the weekend outskirts is pedestrian, go for a walk in the country in spring, roam between green hill green water; Also can use working space, bath falls in the sunshine in the woods, experience the happiness of nature.

Nature travels: Shirt-sleeve health and fun

The integrated action of a variety of natural elements makes nature travels to be full of the healthy experience of fun for a kind. Carry sunlight of pedestrian mountain forest, bath, people can admire the magnificent sight of nature, release pressure, adjust state of mind, obtain body and mind to loosen.

Thank you to read this article, we hope to be able to help the value that you realize close nature is healthy to body and mind.

