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Domestic option market develops the current situation

Chinese option market got great progress since reforming and opening, especially in recent years, give aid to in policy, the market is superintended waited for a respect to obtain great progress. According to statistic, of Chinese option market trade quantity and participator amount increase ceaselessly, the innovation of breed of of all kinds futures and rich also undertaking ceaselessly, the function of the market is increasingly perfect. Rise ceaselessly as the open degree of domestic capital market, option market also is acting more and more important role, for risk management, price discovery, investment covered benefit to offer more perfect service and more opportunities.

The challenge of domestic option market and problem

Although Chinese option market obtained great progress, but also facing a few challenges and problem. Include but not market of be confined to superintends strengthen, trade the innovation of the mechanism, derive the be good at congruent that tastes the market to wait. In addition, option market also needs more finance to derive the research and development that tastes a tool, with serving better at hypostatic economy, the risk of participator of contented and of all kinds market runs requirement.

Sina finance and economics reachs an analysis to the report of domestic option market

As China banner financial information serves one of platform, sina finance and economics is paying close attention to the tendercy of domestic option market all the time, undertake report and analysis to option market through a variety of forms. Established special futures channel on official website not only, provide the service such as the prices of product of of all kinds futures, information, analysis, also pass the channel such as end of mobile phone client, small gain to have seasonable story to option market at the same time. Sina finance and economics rolls out option market nonskedly still to analyse an article, undertake be analysinged deep to market heat problem, provide referenced value and decision-making support for investor and market participator.


The development of Chinese option market still is continueing, be opened ceaselessly and adjust of reform policy as money market ceaselessly, option market will welcome new development opportunity and challenge. The process is here medium, the report that financial information serves platform to be like sina finance and economics and analysis will help investor and market participator know market condition better better, grasp investment opportunity, avoid risk.

Thank you to read the article, the development state of affairs that hopes to be able to know domestic option market better through the article and sina finance and economics report an analysis to this, have investment better thereby decision-making.

