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Fitness is the athletic way with more and more welcome instantly, weight training serves as among them important one link, having distinct effect to the promotion of fitness. However, want to obtain ideal result, weight training is not is pure weight lifting only, need to abide by definite scientific pattern and method however. The article discusses the key how science undertakes weight trains reasonably, for the right way of your demonstrate fitness.

The meaning that weight trains

Weight training is the training that shows the appliance such as use barbell, dumbbell undertakes, main purpose is to enhance muscle strength, improvement posture, model a figure. Train through weight, can enhance skeletal density, improvement heart lungs function, raise basal metabolis to lead, achieve combustion thereby the adipose, effect that shapes strong and handsome posture.

The science of importance explains

In weight training, force training is crucial one annulus. Train through right amount weight, OK and exciting muscle grows, promote protein synthesis, increase muscle fibrous cross section to accumulate thereby, enhance sarcous force and staying power. In addition, weight training still can increase bone density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Accordingly, weight training expresses existing beneficial to raising sport not only, can increase the functional sex capacity in daily life more.

Scientific and reasonable weight chooses

In weight training course, choosing appropriate weight is very important. Generally speaking, train to force, commonly used weight cent is high number of tall weight small number and low weight two kinds. Tall weight small number agrees with increase muscle fiber cross section to accumulate, and low weight high number agrees with enhance muscle staying power. According to training purpose of the individual and body state, choose appropriate weight to undertake training.

Train frequency and set number

To training frequency, suggest the weight that has at least 3 times every week trains commonly, sarcous is stimulated continuously and grow in order to maintain. When training every time, the weight that has 3-5 group normally trains, every groups frequency is mixed according to training purpose of the individual of weight choose and decide. When undertaking force trains, every groups frequency is commonly between 6-12 take second place, and when undertaking muscle endurance trains, every groups frequency is commonly between 12-20 take second place.

Right movement and breathing skill

When weight trains, right movement and breathing skill also are very important. Right movement can stimulate muscle better, avoid to get hurt, and correct breathing skill can provide enough aerobic supply muscle, stimulative sarcous grows. Accordingly, when undertaking weight trains, of the level that is sure to note a movement and breath cooperate.

Enough rest and complement

Finally, those who want the enough rest after assuring to undertake weight trains and nutrition is compensatory. After training, muscle need time comes repair and grow, because this reasonable breathing space is very important. In addition, complement through reasonable food, can provide enough nutrient material with growing for muscle, obtain better training result thereby.

Pass the introduction of the article, believe to weight training had more thorough knowledge. Scientific and reasonable weight trains, in model strong and handsome figure, raise field of physical ability level to have apparent effect. Hope you can abide by relevant scientific law and method in gymnastical training, obtain better training result thereby. Thank you read!
