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  • 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 这句话告诫我们,水虽然能让船漂浮,但也有可能会让船倾覆。意即对于事物,虽然它能带来好处,但也可能带来危险。
  • 日出东方白昼浓,世上谁人不知忠。 这句话告诉我们,太阳从东方升起,不管在什么地方,忠诚都是人们所共知的美德。



  • When it rains, it pours. 这句谚语形象地告诉我们,雨水不是一点点地下,而是突然倾盆而下。比喻不幸的事情往往连续发生。
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 这句谚语用饲养家禽的情景告诉我们,不要过早乐观地预测未来的事情。





The wisdom of nature

Nature is the mankind's greatest teacher, she gifts our endless wisdom and enlightenment. From of old, the people of each district passes observation nature, summary gives the adage of a lot of life wisdom. The nature of these at all times and in all over the world is proverbial, live and think what still edifying people up to now.

China tradition

Chinese ancient time has a lot of saw about nature, there is no lack of among them philosophic theory.

  • Water can carry a boat, can Fu boat. This word admonishs we, although water can let a boat float, but possible also meeting lets boat capsize. Meaning namely to the thing, although it can bring profit, but bring risk possibly also.
  • Sunrise east daytime is thick, whose person does not know on the world faithful. This word tells us, the sun is eastwardly rise, no matter where be, faithfulness is the goodness that people place knows in all.

Western wisdom

The adage of western ancient time also accumulate containing rich natural wisdom.

  • When It Rains, it Pours. Ground of this proverbial figure tells us, rainwater is not little underground, however sudden collapse basin and below. The thing that compares misfortune often happens continuously.
  • Don't Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch. This adage tells us with the scene that raises fowl, forecast prospective thing not premature and hopefully.

Nowhere is not in the wisdom of nature

No matter be China tradition or western wisdom, natural adage is the crystallization of human wisdom. They let we understand better and treat nature, also edify us how to live, if where truth is human it how be answered is relation, difficult to how be answered wait for square field surface. Let us be in daily life, from wisdom of the derive in these old sayings, get along with nature harmony.

Thank you to read this article. Carry this article, hope you can understand natural adage deep more, be benefited in the life thereby.

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