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Yo it is the challenge that every family needs to face, no matter be the novice that person father is first or seasoned veteran, hope to be able to give the child a favorable growing environment. In Yo in the process, draw lessons from a few big Ga people Yo experience should be very helpful. Below, we listen to these big Ga is how to talk about Yo, the Yo that shares them result.

Hold to scientific Yo, result of Li Kaifu Tan Yoer

Li Kaifu, author of workshop of vice-president of whole world of Ceng Rengu song, innovation holds president concurrently, also be a successful father at the same time. In Yo on the problem, he advocates scientific Yo, pay attention to full-scale development of the child. He thinks, the child needs parental guiding and care in growing process, but also need suitable independent space, will develop the child's creativity and the ability that solve a problem through own exploration.

Life adviser, abstruse cling to the result shares Ma Yoer

Regard the United States as the 44th president, aobama is in not only political having an a feather in one's cap, and in Yo go up to also having oneself distinctive opinion. Abstruse cling to footman Fu is paid attention to give the child adequate care and guide, also value the child's education very at the same time. Look in Aobama, domestic education is the crucial one annulus in child growing process, they encourage the child to take an active part in community activity, cultivate their sense of responsibility and leadership.

Educationist viewpoint, yang Zhenning talks how to rear the child

Yang Zhenning, nobel physics award winner, also be a crackajack educationist. He thinks, the parent is in Yo the curiosity that education child should pay attention to in the process and curious desire, guide them to explore the world. Yang Zhenning emphasizes, scientific education wants to grab as a child, respect the child's individual character, guide them to choose the way of study according to his interest, let them grow in joy.

Above is a few big Ga people in Yo the result experience on the problem, they unscramble Yo from different point of view path, the hope can be brought to broad parents a few inspire and help.

Thank you to read the article, hope these Yo experience is shared can inspire somewhat to you, let you be in Yo in the process more easy with advisability.
