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  • 宠物旅行证件申办费用
  • 宠物医疗检疫费用
  • 宠物飞行托运费用
  • 目的地国家的相关税费













The charge that pet goes abroad is formed

The pet that a lot of pet host consider to taking his goes abroad together journey, however, need pays fixed fee should take pet to go abroad. The charge that pet goes abroad forms basically include:

  • Pet journey certificate applies charge
  • Charge of quarantine of pet medical treatment
  • Pet flight consigns charge
  • The photograph custom duty of destination country is expended

Pet journey certificate applies charge

Preparation takes pet to go abroad, need to handle the viatic certificate of pet above all, include pet passport and vaccinal and vaccinal proof to wait. Charge of this one share because the different meeting of country and area somewhat difference, general need differs hundreds yuan to thousands of yuan.

Charge of quarantine of pet medical treatment

Partial country has demand of firm medical treatment quarantine to carrying pet to enter a country, a series of medical treatment programs such as bug of the check-up that needs to have pet, vaccinal have an inoculation, drive, these also can produce certain expenses. The country that because differ,charge meets with the area different.

Pet flight consigns charge

If choose to take a plane to take pet to go abroad, the flight that pays pet with respect to need consigns charge. Consign charge to meet according to the far and near of the weight of pet and range differ somewhat, general meeting is in hundreds to thousands of yuan between.

The photograph custom duty of destination country is expended

Different country has different duty to expend a standard to carrying pet to enter a country, some countries can be mixed according to the sort of pet cost of quantitative collection tax, charge of this one share also needs a consideration inside.


The place on put together is narrated, the charge that takes pet need going abroad is more complex diversity, the relevant tax cost that basically includes pet journey certificate to apply flight of charge of charge, quarantine of pet medical treatment, pet to consign charge and destination country. Specific charge can get the influence of a variety of elements, bestow favor on advocate need to have budget and arrangement according to the particular case of him seat and destination.

Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you.
