When we use digital camera to take a picture, classics regular meeting sees " SCN " mode option, so what meaning is SCN after all? What SCN represents actually is " Scene " mode, chinese means " scene " mode. This mode is be aimed at specific setting film mode, through specific setting is being provided below different scene, can let an user film more conveniently a photograph that accords with setting characteristic.
In the SCN mode of digital camera, connect regular meeting to include type of a few common setting, for exampleFigure, Scenery, Night scene, MotionEtc. Every sort meeting has set corresponding parameter beforehand, for example size of shutter speed, aperture, Bai Pingheng, make when the user is filming need not the hand is moved adjust these parameter, can achieve high grade photograph result easily.
Film to what differ setting, use SCN mode needs to notice a few skill. Filming for instanceNight sceneWhen, photograph opportunity lowers shutter rate automatically in order to take more lights, but also can increase the rock faintness risk when filming at the same time; FilmingMotionWhen, photograph opportunity uses higher shutter rate the picture with caky motion, but cause an appearance possibly also too dark. Accordingly, adroitness control does not issue the characteristic of SCN mode with the scene, can produce digital camera better film the effect.
Pass SCN mode, digital camera was offerred for the user more convenient film means, help user obtains more high grade photograph below different scene. Master the use method of SCN mode adroitly, can let us answer all sorts of filming better setting, the record lays the moment of more happiness.
Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand mode of digital magazine SCN better through the article, obtain in be used actually more outstanding film experience.