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Edition accept travels: Of intertropical amorous feelings seek

Be located in the edition accept area that Chinese Yunnan visits, the travel resource with its individual intertropical amorous feelings and rich diversity and famed at the world. The intertropical view that there is be charmed making a person here, full-bodied nation amorous feelings and distinctive plant culture, attracting the tourist that comes from world each district to come round to seek.

Tourist attraction of edition accept travel: The intertropical scene with picturesque beautiful scenery

Edition accept area has rich natural landscape, among them the beautiful scenery of river of billows dark blue, Mekong makes a person stay to forget to return repeatedly. Be in Jing Hong city, can visit intertropical arboretum, admire all sorts of precious rare floral elegant demeanour, appreciate intertropical floral distinctive glamour. In addition, be worth what carry is famous graceful listen to a park, ramble is in verdant tropical vegetation, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature, relaxed and happy making a person.

Affection of style of writing of edition accept person: Honest folk-custom and multivariate culture

Besides natural beautiful scenery, edition accept area still has the ethical amorous feelings of rich and colorful. The traditional dress of the minority such as Dai nationality, the Jingpo nationality, handicraft is tasted reach each characteristic such as ethical dance, added grumous culture flavor for this land. In addition, the temple fair activity of characteristic, folk-custom activity such as water a reed-pipe wind instrument, also attracting tourists to experience the glamour of traditional folk-custom culture.

Culture of edition accept cate: The temptation of distinctive taste

Be in edition accept area, the tourist can appreciate beautiful scenery and folk-custom not only, still can enjoy place's distinctive cate culture. Resembling is the various cate that is characteristic with coconut juice, pure and fresh tastily the hot food with cold dish, delicious mouthfeel, cannot help doing sth letting a person. Of course, the still that path pole has distinguishing feature Dai flavour cate that nots allow to miss, let full the luck to eat sth delicious of National People's Congress while, also can experience the distinctive glamour of this land.

No matter be natural scene or affection of person style of writing, edition accept area is attracting the tourist of world each district with its attractive place. Come to here, can enjoy the beautiful scenery of intertropical amorous feelings not only, still can experience rich ethical culture and distinctive cate, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, you can swim to the brigade of edition accept area resource has more thorough knowledge, for you prospective journey plans to provide a help.
