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If why make perfect crus line in gym

In fitness, crus is the place that a lot of people perplex quite, how model perfect crus line through scientific training? A few common in gym crus introduce to train a method for everybody below, hope to be helped somewhat to everybody.

1.Station appearance crus carries power

The station is straight, double foot and shoulder are the same as wide, before tiptoe face. Both hands holds dumbbell, put in the body two side. Calcaneal drive up, the station removes tiptoe, next slow till the foot follows the ground,put down. Body stability should maintain in behavioral course. Every groups do 15-20 second, do 3 groups continuously.

2.Pedal leg implement press below crus

Sit in pedal leg implement on seat, adjust seat position to make leg knee as it happens perpendicular at seat. Both hands handholding seat two side, touchdown of palm of double foot chela, calcaneal is raised high. To step on sole downward forcibly with crus muscle. Every groups do 15-20 second, do 3 groups continuously.

3.Sitting position crus carries power

Sitting position crus carries power is in sitting position crus implement of aspirant travel. Sit down, both hands handholding seat two side, sole touchdown, calcaneal is raised high, use bicrural crus muscle to to step on calcaneal downward forcibly next. Every groups do 15-20 second, do 3 groups continuously.


Skip is a first-rate motion having oxygen, exercise crus muscle effectively. Choose an appropriate skip, maintain successive leap as far as possible next, hop every time 30 seconds - 1 minute, 15-30 second rests among, repeat 3-5 group.

Train a method through above crus, effectively exciting crus sarcous grows, make crus line more well-balanced and send closely. But when undertaking crus trains, also should notice right amount, avoid excessive training to cause loss.

Acknowledgment reads this article, hope these crus training methods are mixed graphic can help you, let you have more perfect crus line.
