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  • 体能水平评估:健康专业人士可以帮助评估体能水平,制定适合的运动计划。
  • 心脏和血压检查:确保心脏和血压状况良好,减少健身运动风险。
  • 膝关节和骨骼健康:体重较重可能对关节和骨骼造成压力,需要检查健康状况。



  • 有氧运动:如快走、慢跑、游泳等,有助于燃烧脂肪。
  • 力量训练:通过重量训练来增加肌肉量,提高基础代谢率。
  • 饮食控制:科学合理的饮食结构是减脂的关键,建议寻求营养师的专业指导。
  • 适当的休息:休息对于身体恢复和健身效果同样重要。



  • 逐渐增加运动量:不要急于求成,逐渐增加运动量和强度。
  • 避免损伤:因体重较重,健身动作应注意正确性,避免引发运动损伤。
  • 定期跟踪:定期评估健身计划效果,根据实际情况进行调整。
  • 心态调整:保持积极乐观的心态,健身减脂是一个持久的过程,需要耐心和毅力。





Setting introduction

Fitness reduces fat is the method that when a lot of people are going after healthy physique and self-confident heart, chooses. However, for more serious to those weight person, fitness decreases fat to may face bigger challenge. The article will introduce a science, feasible fitness to reduce fat plan for you, achieve 190 jins crowd in the light of weight, help them realize health to reduce heavy goal.

The preparation before fitness

Before beginning any fitness to plan, 190 jins of fatso need to undertake a series of checkup, ensure oneself body state suits to have gymnastical activity. Include but not be confined to:

  • Physical ability level is evaluated: Healthy and professional personage can be helped evaluate physical ability level, make suitable athletic plan.
  • Heart and blood pressure are checked: Ensure heart and blood pressure in order, reduce body building risk.
  • Knee joint and skeleton are healthy: Weight may is opposite again relatively joint and skeleton create pressure, need inspects healthy condition.

Gymnastical plan

Be aimed at 190 jins weight, fitness decreases fat to plan to need to undertake according to individual situation custom-built. A reasonable fitness plans to include the following fields normally:

  • Have oxygen campaign: If go quickly, canter, swim etc, conduce to combustion adipose.
  • Force trains: Through weight training increases muscle to measure, raise basal metabolis rate.
  • Dietary control: Scientific and reasonable food construction is the key that reduces fat, the proposal seeks the professional guidance of nutrient division.
  • Proper rest: Rest to restore to mix to the body gymnastical effect is likewise main.

The note in gymnastical process

Fat process is reduced in fitness in, 190 jins of fatso need special attention a few item, in order to ensure gymnastical effect mixes healthy:

  • Add carry momentum gradually: Do not be eager to hope for success, increase carry momentum and strength gradually.
  • Avoid loss: Because weight is heavier, gymnastical movement should notice validity, avoid to cause motion to injure.
  • Dog regularly: Evaluate fitness to plan the effect regularly, undertake adjustment according to actual condition.
  • State of mind is adjusted: Maintain active and hopeful state of mind, fitness reduces fat is a protracted process, need patience and will.


To 190 jins of fatso, fitness reduces fat is a challenge not only, it is lifestyle of a change and the opportunity that promote health the standard more. The gymnastical plan that adopts science and reasonable dietary construction, can help them realize health to reduce heavy goal stage by stage, receive brand-new life in healthy, self-confidence.

Thank you to read the article, hope these information are helped somewhat to you.

