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暑假生活感受 | 让暑假更有意义的十大建议英文双语对照


暑假生活感受 | 让暑假更有意义的十大建议英文双语对照























Feel the good time of summer vacation

Summer vacation, it is students a year in most expectant vacation. Full the holiday of two months, mean endless joy and freedom. To a lot of students, summer vacation is to loosen not just with recreation, it is a paragraph of days that can grow and enrichs ego more. I am below experience what live to summer vacation personally, with a few proposals that make summer vacation more significant.

The wonderful experience that summer vacation travels

The summer vacation life of everybody may be disparate, but the happiness that believes everybody ever had experienced a journey during summer vacation. Walk out of a door, explore new city, experience different local customs, these are the wonderful experiences that the journey brings for us. Might as well in this holiday, those who plan to belong to oneself is wonderful and itinerary.

Reading fun and results

The time that summer vacation also is an ideal paragraph, let us read those at ordinary times cannot the book that static heart reads. Book is the ocean of wisdom, it can open different view for us, let us knowledge of the derive in be being read, education is savoured, find the solution of life even. In this holiday, might as well place the mobile phone silently aside, open a good book, let oneself be enmeshed in literal ocean.

Develop interest interest, happy spend

God-given holiday, also be the inning that disentomb and develops him interest interest. No matter be study,a new musical instrument, exercise moves, still try cate to make, summer vacation gave us a lot of time go doing those at ordinary times cannot absorption faced issue. Holiday can enrich him not only, can adjust life position more, make the mood more cheerful.

Pick up the motivation of study again, receive new term

When summer vacation ends, also should begin to begin to prepare to receive new term. Use holiday, have the study of a few specific aim, hold this paragraph of valuable time, let oneself be in new term can more do a job with skill and ease. Can pass the knowledge that reviews last term to did not master, perhaps shift to an earlier date the content of new term of prepare lessons before class, let oneself more have confidence and preparation.

Spend time in all with family friend

Besides growing alone, summer vacation also is family and friend when reuniting. After nervous school work, can mix family a go on a journey, chat, amuse oneself, it is god-given happy days. Use summer vacation and photograph of family member friend to get together well, the relationship that lets each other is more close, make the heart more warm.

Participate in social practice, experience different life

In summer vacation, also can wait for social practice through participating in volunteer activity, exercitation, experience different life. This can let us acquire more knowledge and skill not only, still can widen horizon, develop social sense of responsibility and group collaboration drive, for the individual development increases valuable experience.

Healthy lifestyle, care body and mind is healthy

In holiday, the body and mind that also does not forget him care is healthy. Enlist outdoors campaign more, hold time of work and rest, balanced diet, let oneself have more healthy way of life. Have healthy body and heart only, ability goes better the challenge that face butt joint comes down.

Take an active part in social activity, extend human network

Summer vacation days also is the inning that takes an active part in social activity. Can pass attend all sorts of interest classes, begin the collective activity, friend communication with have a common goal, extend oneself human network, know more and interesting person and friend. These human relations also will be mixed to in the future study the effect with working positive generation.

Summary is experienced, meet new challenge

When summer vacation ends, might as well the feeling that sums up oneself and results. Probably this paragraph of time gave you to more inspiration and be comprehended, make you more sturdy oneself target and direction. After spending contented and significant summer vacation, we also meet more easy ground new school work and challenge.

The reader reads acknowledgment everybody end, the hope can be everybody to offer a few proposals that make the life more significant during summer vacation through this article, help everybody spend a contented and significant summer vacation.
