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1. 合理膳食:母亲在哺乳期需要保持均衡营养,多吃富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质的食物,保证母乳的营养丰富。

2. 哺乳姿势:正确的哺乳姿势对于宝宝吸吮和消化都很重要,母亲需要选择适合的姿势,保证宝宝能够充分吸收母乳。

3. 排除外界干扰:母亲在哺乳期间需要保持轻松愉快的心情,避免外界干扰,有助于促进母乳分泌。

4. 定期检查:母亲在哺乳期间需要定期进行身体检查,确保自身健康状况良好,不会影响母乳的质量。




The importance of mother milk feed

The mother breeds feed regards darling first-rate nutrition as origin, to the new student growing development is crucial. Rich antibody and nutrient material are contained in mother milk, can enhance the immune power of darling, precaution contracts a disease. In addition, the mother breeds feed still conduces to communication of mother baby affection, promotional mother child the affinity between, also have positive effect to the mental health of darling.

The note of mother milk feed

1.Reasonable and prandial: The mother needs to maintain balanced nutrition in lactation, eat more contain a lot ofprotein, adipose, vitamin and mineral food, the nutrition that makes sure the mother breeds is rich.

2.Lactation pose: Correct lactation pose is mixed to darling absorb it is very important to digest, the mother needs to choose suitable pose, make sure darling can absorb mother milk adequately.

3.Eliminate the outside to disturb: The mother needs to maintain relaxed and happy state of mind between lactation, avert outside interference, conduce to stimulative mother milk secreting.

4.Regular examination: The mother needs to undertake the body is checked regularly between lactation, ensure oneself is healthy in order, won't affect the quality that the mother breeds.

Anyhow, the mother breeds feed is having very important sense to darling and mother, hope every mother can take mother milk feed seriously, note the demand of oneself health and darling between lactation.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can provide the help of respect of mother milk feed for you.
