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  • 中考英语完形填空是考查学生综合运用英语能力的重要题型,它要求学生在理解全文的基础上,根据上下文的语境和语法结构,选择合适的单词或短语填入空白处。为了提高中考英语完形填空的解题能力,以下是一些复习方法和练习题。


    1.词汇积累:完形填空题型要求学生具备一定的词汇量。复习时,应重点记忆中考大纲要求的词汇,尤其是那些常在完形填空题中出现的高频词汇。 2.语法复习:掌握基本的语法知识是解题的关键。复习时,要特别注意动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词、从句、虚拟语气等语法点。 3.阅读理解能力:提高阅读理解能力,能够快速把握文章大意和细节。平时应多阅读不同题材的文章,如故事、说明文、议论文等。 4.上下文理解:完形填空题要求学生根据上下文的线索来选择答案。因此,复习时要练习如何从上下文中寻找线索,理解作者的意图。 5.解题技巧:掌握一些解题技巧,如排除法、逻辑推理、词义辨析等。通过大量练习,熟悉各种题型和解题方法。 6.模拟练习:定期进行模拟练习,模拟中考的完形填空题型,提高解题速度和准确率。 7.总结反思:每次练习后,要对错误的题目进行总结反思,找出错误的原因,避免重复犯错。



      Last summer, I went to a summer camp with my friends. We had a great time. We 1 swimming, hiking, and playing sports. One day, we 2 a long hike in the mountains. It was 3 and we had to stop several times to rest. However, the view from the top was 4. We could see the whole valley below us. It was 5 to see such a beautiful sight.

      1.A. enjoyed
      B. enjoyed to
      C. enjoyed doing
      D. enjoyed do 2.A. did
      B. made
      C. took
      D. had 3.A. tiring
      B. tired
      C. tiredly
      D. tiringly 4.A. amazing
      B. amazed
      C. amaze
      D. amazes 5.A. it
      B. that
      C. this
      D. these



        My brother is a great 1 of music. He can play the piano, the guitar, and even the violin. He 2 practicing every day. He says that practice makes perfect. Last month, he 3 in a music competition and won the first prize. He was so 4 that he jumped up and down with joy. His success 5 me to work harder on my studies.

        1.A. player
        B. player of
        C. player in
        D. player for 2.A. is
        B. was
        C. are
        D. were 3.A. joined
        B. joined to
        C. joined in
        D. joined with 4.A. happy
        B. happily
        C. happiness
        D. happily 5.A. encourage
        B. encourages
        C. encouraged
        D. encouraging



          I have a 1 friend named Sarah. She is very 2 and always helps others. Last week, she 3 a lost dog and took it to the animal shelter. The dog was 4 and needed medical attention. Sarah stayed with the dog until it was 5.

          1.A. kind
          B. kindness
          C. kindly
          D. kinder 2.A. kind
          B. kindness
          C. kindly
          D. kinder 3.A. found
          B. founded
          C. finding
          D. founded 4.A. sick
          B. sickness
          C. sickly
          D. sicken 5.A. fine
          B. fine
          C. finely
          D. fines



            My family and I 1 a trip to the countryside last weekend. We 2 a beautiful old farmhouse. It was surrounded by 3 trees and flowers. We 4 a picnic in the garden. It was a 5 day and we all enjoyed ourselves.

            1.A. take
            B. took
            C. taking
            D. takes 2.A. visit
            B. visited
            C. visiting
            D. visits 3.A. many
            B. much
            C. a lot of
            D. lots of 4.A. have
            B. had
            C. having
            D. has 5.A. sunny
            B. sun
            C. suns
            D. sunnily



              I 1 a new hobby recently. I started 2 to play the guitar. It's not easy, but I'm 3 to learn. I 4 practicing every day. I hope to be able to play a song for my family soon. They are 5 of my progress.

              1.A. take up
              B. take on
              C. take in
              D. take off 2.A. learning
              B. learn
              C. to learn
              D. learned 3.A. trying
              B. try
              C. tried
              D. tries 4.A. am
              B. is
              C. are
              D. was


                5.A. proud
                B. pride
                C. proudly
                D. proudness


                上一篇:少壮不努力 老大徒伤悲 A lazy youth, a lousy age.