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1. 儿童体格和发育监测


2. 饮食和营养指导


3. 免疫接种


4. 健康生活习惯培养


5. 早期教育和情感发展辅导


6. 定期健康体检






The 0 value that manage to health of 6 years old of children

0 arriving 6 years old is children grows the crucial phase of development, also be the period that they establish healthy habits and customs and act. Accordingly, children health management is crucial to their prospective development. In this phase, the body that the parent needs to pay close attention to children, nutrition, immunity and acknowledge and affective develop, serve through professional health management, help children health grows.

Serve standard and proposal

To ensure the 0 health to 6 years old of children, the health government service that provides major is crucial. It is to be aimed at the 0 a few proposals that manage to health of 6 years old of children and service standard below:

1.Children constitution and development are monitored

Undertake children constitution and development are monitored regularly, include height, weight, head to surround wait for index, in order to decide whether they are inside normal limits development. It is normal to discover any deviates in time the evidence of development contrail, take corresponding interpose step.

2.Food and nutrition are directive

Provide professional food and nutrient guidance, ensure children obtains balanced nutrition, promote their body and cerebrum growth. Notice the collocation with the education that food is used to and prandial nutrition.

3.Immune have an inoculation

The immune have an inoculation that sets according to the country plans, the immune have an inoculation that offers qualification for children serves, ensure the health of its immunity system and strength.

4.Healthy habits and customs is fostered

Assist the parent to foster the habits and customs with good children, include to take exercise regularly, good Morpheus convention, individual sanitation habit, in order to develop healthy life style.

5.Inchoate education and affection development coach

Provide inchoate education and the professional guidance that affection develops, the acknowledge of stimulative children and affection develop, help them build positive human impact and affection government ability.

6.Fixed and healthy check-up

Organize periodic health check-up, the body examination that includes convention, grow development is evaluated etc, help parent knows the healthy state of children in the round, discover in time and handle healthy issue.


Adopt afore-mentioned standards and proposal, 0 can get to 6 years old of children comprehensive health management serves, conduce to their health growing. The parent needs to value the value that children health manages, cooperate professional orgnaization actively, attention and the health of stimulative children grow.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand the 0 importance that run a service to health of 6 years old of children and normative proposal better through this article.

