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佳能公司成立于1937年,是一家以生产摄影器材闻名的跨国公司。佳能数码相机的历史可以追溯到1984年,当时佳能推出了世界上第一台电子数码相机——Canon RC-701。自那时起,佳能一直是数码相机市场的领军者,不断推出高品质的产品。







Beautiful can the history of digital camera

Beautiful can the company held water 1937, it is one photographs with production the transnational corporation with famed equipment. Beautiful can the history of digital camera is OK restrospect to 1984, beautiful can roll out camera of number of the first electron at that time -- Canon RC-701. Since in those days, beautiful can be digital camera market all the time get army person, roll out high quality product ceaselessly.

Beautiful can the technical characteristic of digital camera

Beautiful can digital camera is famed with its outstanding technology. Arrive from CMOS sensor DIGIC image processor, beautiful can the technology is in an industry all the time lead position. Its resemble element, high grade camera lens and pair of advanced anxious technologies high making beautiful can digital camera is in photography lover and professional cameraman wide welcome.

Beautiful can the market prospect of digital camera

As the ceaseless progress of science and technology, the pattern of digital camera market also is in produce change. However, beautiful can depend on the innovation that its last and technical advantage, still hold position in market competition. Future, as consumer the demand of portable to be being mixed high like element, high definition sex increases ceaselessly, beautiful can digital camera hopeful enlarges force further in the market.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries pair of fine can of the history of digital camera, technology and market prospect discuss, can help you understand this one product in the round more.
