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西南财经大学研究生专业目录 - 深度解读研究生专业设置英文双语对照


西南财经大学研究生专业目录 - 深度解读研究生专业设置英文双语对照


西南财经大学(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)是中国教育部直属、国家“211工程”重点支持的高水平财经院校,其研究生教育体系完善、学科建设雄厚。西南财经大学研究生专业目录包括经济学、管理学、法学、理学、文学、工学等多个领域,为广大学子提供了丰富的选择。
















Catalog of major of graduate student of college of southwest finance and economics

University of southwest finance and economics (Southwestern University Of Finance And Economics) it is directly under of Chinese Ministry of Education, country " 211 projects " the school of Gao Shuiping finance and economics that supports mainly, perfect, course builds system of education of its graduate student abundant. Catalog of major of graduate student of college of southwest finance and economics includes economics, management to learn, law, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, literature, labour learns to wait for many domains, offerred rich alternative for broad student.


In terrain of economics, university of finance and economics offerred southwest to include the many professional direction such as economics, countryman economics, area economics, labor economics, resource and environmental economics, amount economics. The student is here not only can systematic study is macroscopical economy, microcosmic the fundamental theory knowledge such as economy, return the heat problem such as economy of China of can thorough research, international economy.

Be in charge of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties

The territory learns in management, the school sets administrative science and project, industrial and commercial management, asset to evaluate, the professional direction such as technical economy and management. The student learns the government that accepts a system core curriculum to groom, master modern government theory and method, education carries out ability and innovation spirit.


Law domain includes law, economy law, environment and resource protection law, politics to wait for many professional direction. The school relies on force of oneself persons qualified to teach and scientific research advantage, devote oneself to to develop research of law of high administrative levels and practice person with ability.

A Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties

In respect of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, the school opened statistical, application the major such as statistic of statistical, several manage, provided knowledge of comprehensive mathematical statistics division and practice skill education for the student.


Literary domain covered literature of Chinese language literature, foreign language character to wait for many professional direction, the student will accept all-around literary theory and intellectual study here, promote a language expression and literary criticism capability.

Labour learns

Labour learned a domain to include the professional direction such as science of control science and information and communication project, project, electron and technology, the student will accept newest project technology knowledge and practice skill education, lay solid foundation to project technology studies and apply exploration.

Catalog of major of graduate student of college of southwest finance and economics covered many course field, the school devotes oneself to to offer the graduate student education of high quality and learning to study an environment, the learning that is a student and professional development lay solid foundation.

Thank you to read the article, the catalog of graduate student major that hopes to be able to understand university of southwest finance and economics for you provides a help.

