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  • 体检和评估: 为儿童进行全面的身体检查和健康评估,掌握肥胖程度及存在的健康风险。
  • 定制营养计划: 依据儿童个体差异,制定科学合理的营养膳食计划,保障孩子的健康营养。
  • 运动处方: 为儿童制定个性化的运动处方,鼓励他们进行适当的体育锻炼,促进健康成长。
  • 心理健康支持: 提供专业的心理咨询和支持,帮助儿童树立正确的身体观念,消除肥胖带来的心理压力。
  • 家庭教育: 开展儿童肥胖防治知识宣传,帮助家长了解肥胖对孩子健康的危害,促进全家共同参与儿童肥胖管理。







Children is fat: How to manage healthy weight of the child scientificly?

Fat problem gets children fully all the time attention. As social progress and standard of living rise, fat rate shows modern children ascendant trend. Of children period fat affect appearance not only, more important is the influence with healthy to the child's body and mind tremendous generation, cause the disease such as diabetic, hypertensive, heart disease and relevant and healthy problem easily. Accordingly, build a children fat and healthy management center is crucial.

The influence with fat children

Children is fat be opposite not only physiology health of the child is influential, return the mental health that can affect them. Fat meeting causes damage of children proper pride, generate negative sentiment, affect their study and gregarious ability. Will for a long time look, children is fat still can increase suffer from heart disease, hypertensive, diabetic the risk that waits for a disease, the year after year that affects them badly is healthy.

Children is fat administrative importance

Build children the importance of fat and healthy management center is self-evident. Such center can think fat problem offers children professional solution, include prescription of nutrient guidance, motion, psychology to coach the service that waits for many sided, promote children fat level of management in the round thereby.

Children is fat and healthy the function of the management center

Fat and healthy management center should have an outstanding children the following function:

  • Check-up and evaluate: Undertake for children comprehensive body examination and health are evaluated, master the healthy risk of fat degree and existence.
  • Custom-built nutrition plans: Basis children is individual difference, make scientific and reasonable nutrition prandial plan, ensure healthy nutrition of the child.
  • Athletic prescription: Make athletic prescription of individuation for children, encourage them to undertake proper physical training, stimulative health grows.
  • Mental health support: The psychology that offers major seeks advice and support, help children establishs right body idea, eliminate fat brought psychological pressure.
  • Domestic education: Begin children conduct propaganda of knowledge of fat prevention and cure, help parent understanding is fat healthy to the child harm, stimulative family participates in children jointly fat management.

Children is fat and healthy the construction of the management center

Should build a children fat and healthy management center, not be an easy thing. Need government, medical establishment, school, family to wait to cooperate with all possible means, devote oneself to children jointly the settlement of fat problem. In addition, still need to have a professional medical treatment group, include train of nutrient division, paediatrics doctor, psychology doctor, campaign to wait.


Build a children fat and healthy management center has important sense to current society. Pass such center, we can manage healthy weight of the child scientificly, effective precaution children is fat problem, elevate the child's whole healthy level, let them meet prospective challenge better.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can be offerred for you about children the relevant help that fat managing.
