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宠物狗吃屎是一种常见的问题,主人们常常为此感到困扰。尽管宠物狗吃屎是一种常见的行为,但毕竟不太卫生,可能引发一些健康问题。 接下来,我们将讨论宠物狗吃屎的原因以及应对方法。





  • 饮食管理: 确保宠物狗的饮食均衡营养,并及时更换狗粮。如果发现狗狗存在厌食或者消化问题,应及时就诊。
  • 行为训练: 对宠物狗进行行为训练,帮助他们建立正确的饮食习惯。
  • 保持环境清洁: 及时清理宠物狗的粪便,保持居住环境的清洁卫生。
  • 生理健康: 如果宠物狗吃屎的行为持续存在,应及时就诊,排除是否存在生理疾病。
  • 行为干预: 可以尝试使用一些专门防止宠物狗吃屎的产品,例如专门的口服液体或添加剂,刺激狗狗产生排斥感。




Pet dog eats excrement how to do

Pet dog eats excrement is a kind of common problem, advocate people often feels a worry for this. Although pet dog eats excrement,be a kind of common behavior, but not quite wholesome after all, the likelihood causes a few healthy problems. Next, the account that we take discussion pet dog excrement and answer a method.

Why can pet dog eat excrement?

Pet dog eats excrement to may originate a variety of reasons, include disease of problem of hidebound, anorexia, behavior, physiology to wait. Because be curiosity and feed excrement and urine by accident,dog of a few dogs is met, and because,another some may be hidebound or fall ill. In addition, angst or anorexia brings about dog dog possibly also to appear the action that takes excrement.

Answer pet dog to have the method of excrement

If discover pet dog eats excrement, adopt a few measure in time to be able to avoid this group effectively to be continuity happening.

  • Dietary management: Ensure the diet of pet dog is balanced nutrition, change in time dog food. If discover anorexia of dog dog existence perhaps digests an issue, answer to see a doctor in time.
  • Behavior trains: Undertake to pet dog behavior trains, help them build proper diet to be used to.
  • Maintain environmental cleanness: Clear in time the excrement and urine of pet dog, the cleanness that maintains living environment is wholesome.
  • Physiology health: If pet dog eats the behavior of excrement to exist continuously, answer to see a doctor in time, eliminate to whether be put in physiology disease.
  • Behavior interpose: Can try to use a few products that prevent pet dog technically to eat excrement, for example liquid of special profess to convinced or additive, exciting dog dog produces repellent move.

As a whole, pet dog eats excrement may be problem of a kind of behavior, also may be healthy problem, to pet host, should observe in time and take corresponding step. To long-standing problem, suggest advisory vet undertakes be diagnosed further and be remedialed.

Hope the article can help you understand pet dog to take the account of excrement better, and answered method. Thank you to read the article.

