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There's no shortage of ideas coming from the mind of Elon Musk, which are fairly easily realized (no doubt thanks to a family fortune built on gems from a Zambian emerald mine). 大家很容易就意识到,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)从来不缺少奇思妙想。(这毫无疑问要感谢他家里从赞比亚绿宝石矿上的积累的财富) The very wealthy, very creative entrepreneur seemingly dreams in science fiction; his latest project, the Tesla Cybertruck, is a Transformer-esque take on a more traditional pickup truck fashioned out of stainless steel and Tesla armored glass. 这位腰缠万贯、极具创造力的企业家似乎在科幻小说中做梦。他最新的项目,特斯拉电动皮卡Cybertruck(赛博卡车),在传统皮卡基础上进行了翻新,是变形金刚的样式,由不锈钢和特斯拉装甲玻璃制成。 But even though the electric car boasts an exoskeleton that reportedly is made from the same metal alloy used for SpaceX rockets, it apparently needs its own particular type of garage to keep it safe. Enter: the "Cybunker." 虽然这款电动汽车自豪地拥有外骨骼,其材料据说是SpaceX火箭的同款合金,但这款电动汽车很显然需要专用的车库来存放。容我介绍:"Cybunker".(赛堡垒)

The modular shelter, designed by New York-based studio Lars Büro, is meant to be an off-grid home for Tesla's off-road e-truck; in renderings, the angular, architectural structure is shown in the middle of a dusty clearing (probably somewhere along Route 66). Much like the Cybertruck, the studio's "Cybunker" is made of steel and armored glass. 该模块化的堡垒由纽约的Lars Büro工作室设计,是特斯拉电动车下路后的离网安放处。在展示中,该棱角分明的建筑学结构处于灰尘漫布的林中空地里(很可能是66号公路上的某处)。和Cybertruck很像的是,工作室的Cybunker由钢铁和装甲玻璃制成。 The 1,800-square-foot hideaway is, first and foremost, designed to hold vehicles—like the Tesla Cybertruck—that don't fit in regulation garages. It's a staging area for the electric truck, featuring a "motherboard" in its belly that houses "utility and computer systems, cisterns, pumps, as well as a battery bank that stores all energy generated on the roof's seamless PV cladding," the studio explains. 这个1800平方英尺的掩体最重要的功能就是容纳像特斯拉Cybertruck这样无法适应普通车库的车辆。工作室解释,这是这款电动汽车的临时停放处,特色是腹部的“主板”,容纳了“实用程序、计算机系统、蓄水箱、水泵以及一块贮存屋顶无缝PV镀层产生的能量的电池组。”
