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手臂肌肉锻炼 | 手臂健身房锻炼指南英文双语对照


手臂肌肉锻炼 | 手臂健身房锻炼指南英文双语对照




  • 增强力量:定期锻炼手臂肌肉可以增强上肢的力量,提高身体的爆发力。
  • 塑造线条:通过锻炼手臂肌肉,可以塑造出紧致、均匀的手臂线条,增加身体的美感。
  • 改善身体代谢:手臂肌肉锻炼有助于提高身体的代谢率,增加能量消耗,对减脂有一定帮助。
  • 增强韧性:锻炼手臂肌肉可以增强肌肉和韧带的韧性,降低受伤的风险。



  • 肱二头肌:引体向上、弯举、杠铃弯举等动作可以有效锻炼肱二头肌。
  • 肱三头肌:俯身臂屈伸、三头肌屈臂、窄距俯身撑等动作有助于锻炼肱三头肌。
  • 前臂肌肉:倒立撑、哑铃前臂弯举、手腕反屈等动作可以锻炼前臂肌肉。


  • 热身:在进行手臂肌肉锻炼前,一定要进行充分的热身,避免受伤。
  • 适量负荷:选择适当的负荷进行锻炼,过重的负荷会增加受伤的风险。
  • 注意呼吸:在锻炼时要注意呼吸,避免因缺氧导致头晕、眩晕等情况。
  • 合理安排休息时间:手臂肌肉也需要充分的休息时间,合理安排锻炼和休息。




Why should exercise arm muscle?

Exercise arm muscle to be able to increase muscle power not only, return the metabolization rate that can raise the body, make combustion more adipose, conduce to model strong and handsome figure.

The advantage that arm muscle exercises

  • Enhance power: Exercise arm muscle to be able to enhance the power of upper limbs regularly, the outbreak that raises the body force.
  • Model line: Through exercising arm muscle, can model go out to be sent closely, even arm line, increase the aesthetic feeling of the body.
  • Improve body metabolization: Arm muscle takes exercise conduce to the metabolization rate that raises the body, increase energy to use up, have certain help to reducing fat.
  • Enhance tenacity: Exercise arm muscle to be able to enhance the tenacity of muscle and ligament, reduce wounded risk.

The method that arm muscle exercises

Arm muscle basically includes humerus triceps of 2 flesh, humerus and antebrachium muscle, can use in the light of different position exercise a method differently:

  • Humerus 2 flesh: Pull-up, turn is lifted, barbell turn is lifted wait for a movement to be able to exercise humerus effectively 2 flesh.
  • Humerus triceps: Qu Shen of Fu body arm, triceps is bent arm, narrow the body that be apart from Fu is maintained wait for a movement to conduce to exercise humerus triceps.
  • Antebrachium muscle: Handstand is maintained, dumbbell antebrachium turn is lifted, the artifice is bent instead wait for a movement to be able to exercise antebrachium muscle.

Arm muscle exercises a note

  • Warm up: Before undertaking arm muscle takes exercise, must undertake sufficient warm up, avoid to get hurt.
  • Right amount bear: Choose proper bear to undertake taking exercise, overweight bear can increase wounded risk.
  • The attention breathes: Want to notice breath when take exercise, because of,avoid anoxic bring about giddy, swimmy wait for a circumstance.
  • Reasonable arrangement breathing space: Arm muscle also needs sufficient breathing space, reasonable arrangement takes exercise and rest.

Take exercise through scientific and reasonable arm muscle, can make arm line is sent more closely handsome, the power that enhances oneself and fight a gender, also be led to the metabolization of the body at the same time and decrease fat to have certain help.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you know the importance that arm muscle exercises and method better, the road of the fitness that is you provides a few reference and help.
