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What is computer pet?

Computer pet, just as its name implies, it is the fictitious pet in pointing to system of consist in computer. They appear in your computer desktop or applied process with the form of animation, image or character, can accompany you to spend the free time of the job, study and life.

The sort of computer pet

The sort of computer pet is varied, include classical fictitious pet, assistant computer pet and custom-built change computer pet to wait. Fictitious pet if " santa Claus " , " doggie " , " feline Mi " wait, assistant computer pet if " young aide " , " intimate canaliculus home " wait, and custom-built changing computer pet is a basis the fictitious figure with individual custom-built be fond of.

The function of computer pet

Computer pet besides regarding recreation as the tool, also have particular practical function. They can remind you important program is arranged, broadcast music, offer information of weather forecast, search to wait, some can have simple conversation with you even, bring the joy on a few lives and advantage to you.

The history of computer pet

The concept of computer pet is the earliest can restrospect to 20 centuries 90 time are prime, programmer of a few computer begins to design diminutive program at that time, place him recreation is used on the desktop. The famousest computer pet was 1997 release " Clippy " assistant, it is the assistant in Office of Microsoft office software, caused the wide attention inside global limits.

The influence of computer pet

Computer pet changed the interactive way of people and computer on certain level, added sex of a few interest and affection communication. They are the design of the program not only, it is a kind of company more, bring a warmth and joy to people.

As a whole, although computer pet is fictitious, but the people need to company was satisfied on certain level, the job that is people and life added a pleasure.

Thank you to read the article, for the person that believes to understand computer pet to wanting, the article can help them understand this domain better.

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