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长春市妇女儿童健康保护条例实施细则 - 如何保障妇女儿童权益健康成长?英文双语对照


长春市妇女儿童健康保护条例实施细则 - 如何保障妇女儿童权益健康成长?英文双语对照








Health of children of woman of the Changchun City protects byelaw to carry out detailed rules

The rights and interests that health of children of woman of the Changchun City protects byelaw to carry out detailed rules to aim to ensure woman children effectively and health grow, the main content that will introduce this detailed rules in detail below and executive circumstance.

According to this detailed rules, Woman childrenhealthy rights and interests must get special attention and protection. On one hand, requirement medical establishment gives birth to sieve of health care of Yo, pregnancy, antenatal to check in the woman wait for a domain to offer high grade medical treatment to serve. On the other hand, requirement education orgnaization is in the respect such as children education, sexual equality education strengthens guidance and education.

Detailed rules returns the problem such as rights and interests of Yo of marriage of discrimination of violent to the family, sex, woman to make detailed provision, punish measure clearly. In addition, still from fulfil governmental responsibility, strengthen conduct propaganda the many levels such as force of society of education, play raised corresponding safeguard move.

Since executive detailed rules is promulgated oneself, obtained remarkable result. Fu daughter Tong Can and health of the whole people are cast protect lead apparent promotion, healthy education covers a range related also escalate. On whole, executive detailed rules provided strong legal support and safeguard for the healthy protection of woman children.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes health of children of woman of understanding the Changchun City to protect byelaw to carry out detailed rules, understand the rights and interests that how ensures woman children and health to grow better.

