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在李白的诗句中,我们能感受到他对大自然的豪迈赞美,他曾写道:“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。” 这句诗将春天的生机勃勃、万物复苏的景象描绘得淋漓尽致。

杜甫也有许多关于大自然的诗句,他在《登高》中写道:“野旷天低树,江清月近人。” 通过这句诗,我们仿佛能看到江水清澈见底、夜空中皎洁的月光。

古代诗人孟郊在《游山西村》中写下了这样的诗句:“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。” 读罢此句,仿佛置身于青山绿水之间,感受到大自然的宁静与祥和。



The beautiful line of nature

Nature is poetic Castaly, the line with their flowery have the aid of conveys pair of nature praise and awe-stricken.

In Li Bai's line, we can experience him to nature bold and generous praise, he ever wrote: "Spring Mian does not become aware dawn, hear caw bird everywhere. Hear caw bird everywhere.. The picture that this poem anabiosises vibrant, everythings on earth of spring is depicted incisively and vividly.

Du Fu also has a lot of line about nature, he is in " uprise " in write: "Small tree of day of wild free from worries, jiang Qingyue's close person. Jiang Qingyue's close person.. Pass this poem, we as if the bright and clear moon in can seeing Jiang Shuiqing clear sees bottom, night sky.

Outskirt of archaic poet the first month is in " swim Shanxi village " in wrote down such line: "Below the Dong Li that collect chrysanthemum, see carefreely south hill. See carefreely south hill.. Read this, as if place oneself between green hill green water, those who experience nature is halcyon with auspicious.

Of all ages, poets use what all sorts of line convey pair of nature to have deep love for with awe-stricken, these line also let us have brand-new comprehension to the beauty of nature.
