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1. 宜家家居客服电话: 您可以通过拨打宜家家居客服电话 400-800-2345 来直接与宜家家居客服人员取得联系。在电话接通后,请耐心等待客服人员接听,然后您可以提出您的问题或需求。

2. 官方网站: 宜家家居官方网站也是联系客服的便捷途径。您可以在官网上查找客服电话、在线客服或提交客服表单来获得帮助。

3. 社交媒体平台: 宜家家居也在各大社交媒体平台上设有官方账号,您可以通过微信、微博等平台发送消息或留言来寻求帮助。




Appropriate home lives in etc of customer service phone to contact means

As the world famous home resides things shopkeeper, appropriate home household sets many door shop inside global limits, provide product of of all kinds household and service. If you encounter a problem in shopping process, perhaps need to refer pertinent information, can contact appropriate home to live in customer service through the following means:

1.Appropriate home lives in customer service phone: You can live in 400-800-2345 of customer service phone to live in customer service personnel to get in touch with appropriate home directly through dialing appropriate home. After the phone puts through, await customer service personnel to receive patiently please listen, next the question that you can raise you or demand.

2.Official website: Website of government of appropriate home household also is connection customer service is convenient way. You can search customer service on government-owned net phone, online customer service or refer customer service to express sheet to obtain a help.

3.Gregarious media platform: Appropriate home household also is on platform of each big gregarious media set official Zhang date, you can wait for platform to send a message through small letter, small gain or leave a message will seek a help.

No matter you choose why to be planted,means undertakes contacting, when suggesting you are describing a problem as far as possible clarity and specific, so that customer service personnel can understand quickly,solve a problem for you.

Hope above information can help you, thank you to read the article.

