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  1. 锅庄火锅 - 以其麻、辣、鲜、香著称,是成都最经典的火锅之一。
  2. 龙抄手 - 龙抄手起源于清末,具有浓厚的本地色彩,是成都不可错过的特色小吃。
  3. 夫妻肺片 - 薄如纸,细如蝉翼的夫妻肺片以其麻辣鲜香赢得众多食客的喜爱。
  4. 串串香 - 成都人爱的串串香集合了各种风味的辣椒酱,配料新鲜多样,味道独特。
  5. 麻辣香锅 - 细嫩的肉类、各种新鲜蔬菜和特制麻辣香锅底料的完美搭配,让人欲罢不能。
  6. 火爆鳝鱼 - 正宗的四川火爆鳝鱼料理,麻辣鲜香,回味无穷。
  7. 毛血旺 - 以其火辣麻香、鲜香醇厚而著称,是成都集市上的一道风味菜品。
  8. 兔头 - 成都人最爱的传统美食,具有麻辣鲜香、肉质鲜嫩的特点。
  9. 冒菜 - 冒菜选料独特,烹饪独特,口味独特,是成都本地美食中的佼佼者。
  10. 烤鱼 - 成都的烤鱼以其独特的麻辣口味和新鲜的食材吸引了无数食客。




Chengdu cate general situation

Chengdu regards China as cate, having the cate culture of rich diversity, what with its distinctive local color and each have distinguishing feature is fastfood and famed at the world. Chengdu cate can say is develop a school of one's own, bearing the weight of long history and rich humanitarian details, attracting each district tourist to come round to sample.

Before 10 big cate are recommended

It is before Chengdu cate pop chart 10 below, let us look together:

  1. Boiler village chaffy dish - with its hemp, hot, bright, sweet celebrated, it is one of chaffy dish with the most classical Chengdu.
  2. Dragon copies a hand - dragon copies hand traceable clear minor details, have rich this locality color, it is the distinguishing feature that Chengdu cannot miss fastfood.
  3. Lung of husband and wife piece - thin be like paper, fine the lung of husband and wife that is like cicada's wings piece with its hemp hot Xianxiang wins numerous deadbeat love.
  4. String string sweet - Chengdu person loves string together string of sweet gather the pepper sauce of all sorts of gust, burden is fresh and diversiform, flavor is unique.
  5. Hemp is hot sweet boiler - delicate flesh kind, all sorts of fresh vegetable and tailor-made hemp are hot the perfect collocation of sweet boiler footing, cannot help doing sth letting a person.
  6. Hot eel - authentic Sichuan is hot eel arrange, hemp hot delicacy is sweet, the aftertaste is boundless.
  7. Mao Xiewang - with its sweet, Xian Xiangchun is thick and hot hemp is celebrated, it is a gust dish on Chengdu market is tasted.
  8. Hare head - the traditional cate that Chengdu person loves most, have hemp hot delicacy sweet, flesh is qualitative fresh and tender characteristic.
  9. Risk dish - risk dish to choose makings is distinctive, cooking is distinctive, taste is distinctive, it is the person above average in cate of Chengdu this locality.
  10. Grilled fish - the grilled fish of Chengdu is mixed with its distinctive hemp hot taste fed material freshly to attract countless deadbeat.

Above 10 big cate, every are bearing the weight of together the cate culture with peculiar Chengdu and gust, not allow to miss.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can search cate to provide a help in Chengdu for you.
