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  • 疾病预防:及时进行预防接种,预防传染病等;
  • 生长发育监测:体格生长发育、智力发育、行为习惯等方面;
  • 营养指导:科学合理的饮食指导,保证儿童获得充足的营养;
  • 心理健康:关注儿童的情感需求,及时干预应对儿童心理问题;
  • 家庭关爱:家庭是儿童的第一所学校,家长需关注儿童的日常生活、情感需求等;
  • 意外伤害预防:建立安全的生活环境,避免儿童意外伤害。



  • 建立健康档案:记录儿童的生长发育情况、疾病接触史、预防接种情况等;
  • 定期体格检查:包括身高、体重、头围等生长指标的监测;
  • 接种预防接种:按照国家及时接种计划进行预防接种;
  • 定期随访和指导:定期对儿童进行健康评估和相关指导,帮助家长合理护理儿童;
  • 健康宣教:开展健康宣教,普及健康知识,提升家长和社会大众的健康意识。




0 who is to 6 years old of children health management serves a target?

In current society, the 0 children that arrive 6 years old are the precious fortune of family and society, also be the hope of national future. Accordingly, their health management gets attention fully.

The 0 children that arrive 6 years old areChildren health manageskey target. What this one phase involves children not only is healthy, still include the healthy growth of the many sided such as psychology, intelligence. Children health manages need family, community, school, medical establishment to wait to cooperate with all possible means, health of collective safeguard children grows.

The value that children health manages

Infant period is human body grows the period with the rapiddest growth, healthy problem can affect the fitness after children grows up directly, intellectual level and healthy state.

Children health managescore is precaution and interpose, wait for a method through building have an inoculation of healthy archives, fixed medical, inoculate against, nutrition to coach, discover in time and handle healthy issue, ensure health of children body and mind.

The 0 specific content that manage to health of 6 years old of children

0 to 6 years old of children health management content includes but not be confined to:

  • Disease precaution: Undertake vaccinate in time, precautionary contagion;
  • Grow development monitors: Constitution grows the respect such as habit of development, intellectual growth, behavior;
  • Nutrition is directive: Scientific and reasonable food is directive, make sure children obtains enough nutrition;
  • Mental health: Pay close attention to the affection demand of children, seasonable interpose answers children psychology question;
  • Domestic care: The family is the first school of children, demand of the daily life that the parent wants to pay close attention to children, affection;
  • Harm precaution accidentally: Build safe surroundings, avoid children accident to harm.

How to undertake children health manages?

What children health manages need family, community, school and medical establishment is various cooperate, particular operation includes but not be confined to:

  • Establish healthy record: The growth that records children development state of affairs, disease is contacted history, vaccinate circumstance;
  • Fixed medical: Include height, weight, head to surround etc grow of index monitor;
  • Inoculate against have an inoculation: According to the country seasonable have an inoculation plans to undertake vaccinate;
  • Follow regularly visit and coach: Undertake to children health is evaluated regularly with relevant guidance, help parent is reasonable nurse children;
  • Healthy propaganda and education: Begin healthy propaganda and education, popularize healthy knowledge, elevate the parent and social popular health consciousness.

Anyhow, 0 to 6 years old of children the key target that is children health management, the purpose of health management is to adopt all-around measure, health of stimulative children body and mind develops, the future that is them lays healthy foundation.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help more parent and social personage understand the 0 value that manage to health of 6 years old of children and specific content through the article, collective attention and the health that caress children grow.

