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1. 韶关烧鹅: 韶关烧鹅以其皮香肉嫩、色泽诱人而闻名于世,其制作工艺独特,自古传承至今,是韶关一绝。

2. 丹灶猪脚: 丹灶猪脚烹饪方法独特,色泽红亮,肉质鲜嫩,酥软可口,是韶关的传统名肴。

3. 天星鱼翅: 韶关特有的美食,选用天星鱼干制而成,汤头鲜美,鱼翅鲜嫩可口,富有营养。

4. 肠粉: 韶关的肠粉皮薄料嫩,蘸酱鲜美,口感极佳,是当地人最爱的早餐和小吃之一。

5. 广东牛肉丸: 韶关的牛肉丸选用上等牛肉制作而成,肉质鲜嫩,弹牙爽口,深受食客喜爱。

6. 凤城糯米鸡: 凤城糯米鸡香腴软糯、味美可口,深受游客喜爱,是韶关的地方特色小吃。

7. 清补凉: 韶关地道美食,清补凉选料繁多,制作精细,凉爽可口,是夏日消暑的最佳选择。

8. 五香牛肉: 韶关五香牛肉选料考究,烹饪讲究,色香味俱佳,深受食客喜爱。

9. 道地客家菜: 韶关特色,客家菜以其口味独特、菜品丰富而享誉中外,是韶关餐桌上的一张名片。

10. 岭南小炒: 韶关的岭南小炒色香味俱佳,选料考究,烹饪精湛,以其独特风味而备受推崇。





Beautiful closes the glamour of cate culture

Beautiful closes, be located in Chinese Guangdong to save north, it is the culture ancient wall with a long history not only, also be a cate at the same time. The situation that beautiful involves makes a variety of cate culture wait south the another name for Guangdong Province austral its collect, the Hakkas, mountain at an organic whole, formed unique local cate distinguishing feature. Today, let us explore the cate world that beautiful closes together, those who discover those cannot be missed 10 taste characteristic cate surely greatly.

Beautiful closes 10 eat cate surely greatly

1.Beautiful closes burn goose: Beautiful closes burn goose with its tender, colour and lustre is inviting and leather sweet flesh is famed at the world, its make technology distinctive, since ancient times inheritance up to now, it is beautiful closes a special skill.

2.Foot of red kitchen pig: Method of cooking of foot of red kitchen pig is distinctive, gong Liang of colour and lustre, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, soft and goluptious, it is the traditional name meat and fish dishes that beautiful closes.

3.Day star fim: Beautiful closes peculiar cate, choose Tian Xingyu to work to make and be become, a prescription for a medical decoction is delicious, fim is fresh and tender and goluptious, be full of nutrition.

4.Alvine pink: The thin material of alvine sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch that beautiful concerns is tender, dip in sauce is delicious, mouthfeel is admirable, it is the breakfast that local loves most is mixed fastfood one of.

5.Guangdong beef bolus: The beef ball that beautiful passes chooses classy beef to make and become, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, play a tooth tastily, love by deadbeat.

6.Chicken of phoenix city polished glutinous rice: Delicious and soft glutinous of sweet fat of chicken of phoenix city polished glutinous rice, goluptious, love by the tourist, it is beautiful the local distinguishing feature that involve is fastfood.

7.Qing Dynasty fills cool: Beautiful closes pure cate, qing Dynasty fills cool anthology makings is various, make careful, cool and goluptious, it is the optimal choice of summer disappear heat.

8.Beef of the five spices: Beautiful closes beef of the five spices to choose makings fastidious, cooking is exquisite, beautiful of lubricious fragrance all, love by deadbeat.

9.Dish of path ground the Hakkas: Beautiful involves distinguishing feature, the Hakkas dish with its distinctive, dish tastes taste to abound and be famous in China and foreign countries, it is a piece of calling card that beautiful passes table to go up.

10.South mountain small fry: South the mountain range that beautiful involves beautiful of all of the small fragrance that fry color, choose makings fastidious, cooking is masterly, with its distinctive local color and suffer praise highly fully.


Of above introduction 10 tasting characteristic cate surely greatly is beautiful closes the iceberg in cate culture only one horn. If you have an opportunity to go,beautiful passes a trip, must sample characteristic cate of place, this will be the brigade of unforgettable cate.

Finally, thank you to read the article, satisfactory alternative is discovered in hoping our commendation can help the force of the cate that you close in beautiful.

