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  • 健康:健康是一切的基础,我们可以总结过去一段时间的身体状况,分析引起不适的原因,然后规划下一阶段的运动、饮食和健康检查计划。
  • 家庭:和家人的关系也需要总结和规划,比如回顾家庭聚会的次数、对家人的关怀等,然后为以后的家庭生活制定更为合理的安排。
  • 学习:针对自己的学习,可以总结过去一段时间的学习成果,是否达到了预期目标,然后调整接下来的学习计划和学习方法。
  • 娱乐:最后,还可以总结自己在娱乐方面的投入和产出,然后重新规划下一阶段的娱乐活动,以保持生活的多姿多彩。



  • 职业生涯规划:职业生涯规划是每个人必须要定期进行的,可以总结过去一段时间的工作状态和收获,然后规划未来的职业目标和发展方向。
  • 工作技能提升:针对个人的工作技能,可以对自己过去一段时间的技能提升和学习成果进行总结,然后设定下一阶段的提升目标和学习计划。
  • 职场人际关系:最后,工作中的人际关系也需要被关注,我们可以总结自己在职场人际关系上的表现,然后规划如何更好地与同事、领导和合作伙伴相处。





To a lot of people, every arrive one year or the fine of period of time, like to live to undertake one time summing up with the job to oneself individual, make new plan next. This is a very important process, can help us review the achievement in the past and experience not only, can establish clear aim and way for future more. The article will live from the individual and work two respects, share how efficient summary and program.

The individual gives birth to vivid summary and program

Vivid field lays in the individual, summary and program basically include the field such as healthy, family, study, recreation.

  • Healthy: HealthyIt is all foundation, we can summarize the body state that goes for some time, the analysis causes unwell cause, plan to lay the motion of one phase, food and checkup plan next.
  • Family: Also need to sum up and plan with the relation of family, the number that reviews domestic party for instance, consideration to family, make more reasonable arrangement for the following domesticity next.
  • Learn: Be aimed at oneself study, can summarize the study positive result that goes for some time, whether to achieve expect an end, adjust next next study plan and study method.
  • Recreation: Finally, still can sum up oneself to be mixed in the investment of recreational side yield, plan to issue the recreational activities of one phase afresh next, the much appearance that lives in order to maintain is colorful.

Individual job summary and program

In working respect, summary and program basically include field of promotion of skill of professional career program, work, duty the respect such as human relation.

  • Professional career plans: Professional career plansEverybody must want to undertake regularly, can sum up the working status that goes for some time and results, the professional target that plans to did not come next and development direction.
  • Working skill promotes: Be aimed at working skill of the individual, the skill promotion that can go for some time to oneself and study positive result undertake summing up, set the promotion end that places one phase and study plan next.
  • Duty field is human relation: Finally, the human relation in the job also needs to be paid close attention to, we can sum up ourselves on-the-job field is human the expression on the relation, plan how to get along with colleague, leader and partner better next.


Summary and program are the significant activity that everybody needs to undertake, go through summary, we can know ourselves better, discovery is insufficient, also be thankful better and grow. The program did not come, it is to let our life and job have more target, more significant. Hope the article can help each more efficient summary and program individual life and work, thank everybody read.
