To a lot of people, every arrive one year or the fine of period of time, like to live to undertake one time summing up with the job to oneself individual, make new plan next. This is a very important process, can help us review the achievement in the past and experience not only, can establish clear aim and way for future more. The article will live from the individual and work two respects, share how efficient summary and program.
Vivid field lays in the individual, summary and program basically include the field such as healthy, family, study, recreation.
In working respect, summary and program basically include field of promotion of skill of professional career program, work, duty the respect such as human relation.
Summary and program are the significant activity that everybody needs to undertake, go through summary, we can know ourselves better, discovery is insufficient, also be thankful better and grow. The program did not come, it is to let our life and job have more target, more significant. Hope the article can help each more efficient summary and program individual life and work, thank everybody read.