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文化传媒公司简介 | 文化传媒公司的发展历程与业务范围英文双语对照


文化传媒公司简介 | 文化传媒公司的发展历程与业务范围英文双语对照







  • 影视制作:公司拥有一支高素质的制作团队,擅长策划、拍摄、后期制作,致力于打造精品影视作品。
  • 艺人经纪:公司与众多优质艺人建立长期合作关系,为其提供全方位的经纪服务,助力艺人事业发展。
  • 音乐制作:公司拥有专业的音乐制作团队,致力于打造优质音乐作品,发掘和培养新人歌手。
  • 版权运营:公司积极开发原创作品的版权价值,进行版权运营与推广,维护知识产权。
  • 活动策划:公司拥有一支策划团队,为各类文化活动提供专业策划与执行服务,包括演唱会、发布会、文化展览等。




Brief introduction of culture medium company

Culture medium company is to point to basically pursue culture estate the enterprise of relevant business, include but not movie and TV of be confined to is made, actor broker, music is made, plan of copyright operation, activity. As the rapid development of culture industry, culture medium industry also is paid close attention to increasingly. The article will introduce the development course of company of medium of a culture and scope of business, the reader that hopes to be able to be pair of culture medium industries to be interested is offerred a few reference and inspire.

The company grows course

} establishs {company name at {to establish time} , it is a miniature movie and TV makes a company at first, devote oneself to to provide work of high grade movie and TV for wide audience. Expand of demand ceaselessly as the market and of company business extend stage by stage, the company expands ceaselessly, in {result of the year's harvest of development time} appears on the market, become those who lead an industry development to get army enterprise. Current, the company has grown become collect movie and TV to make, actor broker, music is made, a variety of business such as plan of copyright operation, activity the company of omnibus culture medium at an organic whole.

Scope of business

Company advocate business Wu includes but not be confined to:

  • Movie and TV is made: The company has the making group of a high quality, be good at a plan, film, later period is made, devote oneself to to make work of high-quality goods movie and TV.
  • Actor broker: Company and numerous and high grade actor establish long-term cooperation relationship, provide all-around broker service for its, enterprise of the actor that help strength develops.
  • Music is made: The company has professional music to make a group, devote oneself to to make work of high grade music, disentomb and foster new personality singer.
  • Copyright operation: The company develops the copyright value that starts work formerly actively, have copyright operation and promotion, defend intellectual property.
  • Mobile plan: The company has group of a plan, offer major to engineer for activity of of all kinds culture with executive service, include exhibition of concert, news briefing, culture to wait.

The company is held to " character inheritance of consummate, culture " concept, ceaseless innovation, pursuit is outstanding, make culture medium trade hard get army enterprise.

Acknowledgment reads the article, believe to carry the development course that knows culture medium company and scope of business, the reader can have more thorough knowledge to culture medium industry, also hope to be able to be the personage that pursues culture estate of purpose to offer a few inspire and help.

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