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1. 仰卧起坐


2. 俯卧撑


3. 哑铃深蹲


4. 仰卧推肩


5. 有氧运动






Fitness takes exercise is a kind of more and more welcome lifestyle in current society. But novice of a lot of fitness often is opposite can find no way out of fundamental fitness movement. We share movement of fitness of a few foundations today, these movements learn easily simply, but very effective however, it is every fitness person should master.


Sit-ups is the classical movement that trains abdominal muscle, also be a lot of people most first one of gymnastical movements of bring into contact with. It exercises abdominal muscle effectively, but those who need an attention is to should maintain behavioral level, avoid to be opposite vertebral cause undesirable effect.


Push-up is the common movement that exercises chest muscle, deltoid and humerus triceps, also be the foundation in the foundation. Correct push-up pose can avoid effectively get hurt, suggest abecedarian can begin from wall push-up, transfer slowly standard push-up.

3.Dumbbell crouchs greatly

Crouching greatly is sarcous of below training half body one of significant actions, through this the act can exercise ham muscle and coxal muscle effectively. Abecedarian can use dumbbell to undertake couchant greatly, master right movement and pose, increase the weight of training and number gradually.

4.Lie on one's back turn a shoulder

Lie on one's back the training movement that turning a shoulder is sex of a whole body, basically exercise pectoralis major, deltoid and humerus triceps. To abecedarian, can choose lighter dumbbell to have a practice, the attention maintains behavioral standard and breathing rhythm.

5.Have oxygen campaign

Train a movement besides the force of above, motion having oxygen also is the indispensable one part in fundamental fitness. Canter for example, go quickly, ride the motion having oxygen such as travel to be able to promote heart lungs effectively the function, decrease fat model form.

Anyhow, above these fundamental fitness movements, for the person that no matter be,still have the fitness of certain experience to gymnastical novice, it is very significant training action. Through mastering these movements, you can build health exercise a habit, promote oneself fitness the standard gradually, march toward taller healthy state.

Thank you to read the article, hope these fundamental fitness movements can help you, let you more the pleasure that enjoys fitness.

