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1. 背对镜头,抬头望远方


2. 蹲下抓拍,留住脚印


3. 大笑面对镜头,展现快乐


4. 与当地特色建筑互动


5. 日落剪影,留住美好时刻


6. 小品动作,增加趣味性






The journey takes a picture to had made the one part with indispensable journey. Want to reveal beautiful scenery and wonderful hour on gregarious media, a few take a picture interestingly the pose is indispensable. The travel that we allow to understand 6 kinds to learn surely below takes a picture pose, the picture that yields you is more interesting!

1.Carry pair of camera lens on the back, look up at distance

It is classical back above all to camera lens, look up at distance take a picture pose. This kind of pose can show the scene that gives you to admiring a scenery, wait for the place with pretty scenery in seaside, summit especially.

2.Crouch next catching to pat, tarry footmark

When outdoors travels, can choose to crouch to catch the posture that take, enter the scenery of footmark and distance lens together. Such photograph can develop your viatic footmark and the point that reach better.

3.The yock faces camera lens, show merriment

No matter be,be being returned with person of friend, home is local dweller group photo, the yock faces camera lens is to show joy and friendly superexcellent gesture. Such photograph draws the attention of the person that watch more easily.

4.With local characteristic the building interacts

In the journey, if build or can indicate with local characteristic sexual tourist attraction is interactive,take a picture, can make a photograph more vivid and interesting. Can try to interact with the building, make interesting gesture, perhaps use specific angle and building be in harmony to be an organic whole.

5.Sunset silhouette, tarry happiness hour

In sunset time, can choose silhouette to take a picture, will in the Yu Hui of form park setting sun of oneself or friend. Such photograph often can build a romance, only beautiful atmosphere.

6.Essay movement, increase interest sex

Act of a few essay can attempt when take a picture, film in bouncing, sky for instance, hand department action, increase the interest sex of the photograph and appeal. Such photograph often causes the resonance of the person that watch and attention more easily.

Anyhow, travel takes a picture is not to record viatic scenery merely, it is the pleasure that shows a journey and wonderful instant more. Of hope above take a picture the pose can increase more and interesting memory for your journey, the friend circle that also is you, gregarious media brings more assist and attention!

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the brigade of hope above pats a strategy to be helped somewhat to you, wish you take more and wonderful, interesting picture in the journey!

