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数码相机(Digital Camera)作为一种集图像采集、存储、预览和传输于一体的新型相机,其发明和发展为摄影技术带来了翻天覆地的变革。然而,关于数码相机的发明其实充满了曲折和艰辛。



数码相机并未立刻风靡全球,直到1988年索尼公司推出了第一台商业化的数码相机Mavica(Magnetic Video Camera),才标志着数码相机的商业化时代的到来。此后,数码相机以其便携、易用、高质量的特点逐渐取代了传统胶片相机,成为摄影领域中的主流产品。








The development course of digital camera reachs major effect

Digital camera is invented

The development course of digital camera reachs major effect

Digital camera (Digital Camera) collect as image of a kind of market, memory, preview and transmit the new-style camera at an organic whole, its invent what brought world-shaking for photography technology with development to change. However, was full of actually about the invention of digital camera mix zigzag hardships.

The invention history of digital camera

1981, lifeisi Mohanmode and Sa Siluo of · of article of history the base of a fruit invented two engineer arrowroot camera of the first number, their invention carries image successfully progressive scanning means to change and memory is on a piece of CD. However, this camera bulk giant, cost is high, trade did not gain a success.

Digital camera not immediately fashionable whole world, the digital camera Mavica that till 1988 Suo Ni company rolled out course of study of the first Taiwan businessman to change (Magnetic Video Camera) , just indicate a move in chess or a movement in wushu piles up the commercializes a times arrival of camera. After this, digital camera is used portably, easily with its, the characteristic of high quality replaced conventional film camera gradually, make the mainstream product in photography domain.

The major effect that digital camera invents

The invention of digital camera changed photography way not only, more changed the people understanding to image and processing way. It drove the progress of photography technology, ecbolic also the rise of digital photography art.

As the development of digital camera, digital image handles a technology to promote ceaselessly, the later period processing of photography work becomes more agile with diversity, flowery specially good effect and decorate subsequently and come, for photography art infuse new vitality. In the meantime, the gained ground to also promote image socialization to change development of digital camera, people can share his photograph through gregarious media, promotional communication and interactive.

In addition, the commercial application of digital camera also becomes increasingly extensive, photographing not only industry, still permeated the domain such as medicine, science, military affairs, the development that is these domains brought new opportunity and challenge.

As a whole, the invention of digital camera and development changed photography industry deeply not only, also produced far-reaching effect to the life of people, culture and society.

Thank you to read the article, the development course that hopes to pass this article logarithm to pile up camera and major effect have more thorough knowledge.

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