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以下是我整理的 100 篇中国传统经典故事,这些故事涵盖了中国历史上各个朝代、不同领域的经典之作,同时也承载着深厚的文化内涵和价值观念,是中国传统文化中不可或缺的一部分。


  • 1. 三字经:介绍儒家思想,并灌输孝道、忠诚、诚信等观念。
  • 2. 二十四孝故事:展现了中国传统的孝道观念,成为了中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。
  • 3. 孙悟空三打白骨精:取材于中国古代小说《西游记》,展现了正义战胜邪恶的主题。
  • ......(持续到100篇故事)




Foreword: The rich and generous details of Chinese traditional culture

China is a civilization ancient state that has long history since ancient times, its tradition culture is of long standing and well established, including a lot of and classical story among them, these story inheritance the wisdom that came 100000 and humanitarian spirit, bearing the weight of ancestral wisdom and culture connotation.

Treat Chinese traditional culture

Chinese traditional culture is a broad and profound topic, it included brushwork of ode of poetic word song, calligraphy, formal part to celebrate, the numerous element such as belief of philosophical thought, religion and classic tale. And in these elements, classic tale is culture inheritance medium important one annulus.

Thorough make a thorough inquiry thing of literary quotation of 100 China traditional classics

It is the 100 China tradition that I arrange below classic tale, these stories covered each dynasty on Chinese history, different field make classically, also bearing the weight of at the same time deep culture connotation and value sense, it is the indispensable one part in Chinese traditional culture.

Story list

  • 1.3 words classics: Introduce Confucianism, engraft the idea such as filial piety path, faithful, sincere letter.
  • 2.Story of 24 filial piety: Developed the idea of filial piety path of Chinese tradition, made the main component of culture of Chinese outstanding tradition.
  • 3.Sun Wu is empty essence of 3 dozens of bones of the dead: Draw materials at novel of Chinese ancient time " on the west travel notes " , developed the theme with just evil conquer.
  • . . . . . . (last to 100 stories)

Epilogue: Thank you read

Adopt convention of these 100 China classic tale, we can appreciate the gem of Chinese traditional culture not only, can experience the wisdom of the ancients and character and morals from which more, these stories to us today's life and value sense still have important enlightenment sense.
