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  • 车型: 不同车型的汽车玻璃尺寸、形状和材质都会直接影响维修价格。
  • 玻璃类型: 汽车玻璃一般分为前挡风玻璃、车窗玻璃和后视镜玻璃,它们的价格因材质和结构的不同而有所差异。
  • 维修方法: 修补、更换及其他维修方法都会对价格产生影响。
  • 品牌和质量: 不同品牌的汽车玻璃质量不同,因此价格也会有所差别。



  • 小面积破损修复:100-500元
  • 更换前挡风玻璃:500-2000元
  • 更换车窗玻璃:200-1000元
  • 更换后视镜玻璃:100-500元
  • 高端车型玻璃维修:价格可能更高,需根据车型和具体情况来决定。



  • 根据车辆品牌和型号选择原厂或认证品牌的玻璃,确保安全性和质量。
  • 在维修之前,咨询多家维修店,了解价格和服务内容,选择信誉良好、技术过硬的维修店。
  • 根据玻璃损坏情况,选择修补或更换,避免不必要的花费。




Maintain in the car with maintenance in the process, vitreous maintenance is common but the issue that is ignored easily again. The price that automobile glass maintains because type of model, glass and those who maintain a method is different and somewhat difference. Element of the relevant common sense that the article will introduce automobile glass to maintain in detail for you, price and the automobile glass that how choose to suit you reach maintenance program.

Element of automobile glass price

Automobile glass maintains the price to suffer many elements effect, among them the mainest include:

  • Model: The automobile glass dimension of different model, appearance and material are met character immediate impact maintains the price.
  • Vitreous type: Automobile glass divides pane of the windshield before be, car and rearview mirror glass commonly, their price pledges because of material and of the structure different and somewhat difference.
  • Maintain a method: Repair, change maintenance method meets etc to produce an effect to the price.
  • Brand and quality: The automobile glass quality of different brand is different, accordingly the price also is met somewhat difference.

Automobile glass maintains price limits

Generally speaking, automobile glass maintains price limits to be as follows:

  • Rehabilitate of small area damaged: 100-500 yuan
  • The windshield before changing: 500-2000 yuan
  • Change car pane: 200-1000 yuan
  • Change rearview mirror glass: 100-500 yuan
  • High-end model glass maintains: The price may be higher, need to decide according to model and particular case.

How to choose to fit your automobile glass and maintenance plan

When choice automobile glass maintains program, you can suggest under reference:

  • Choose the glass of former plant or attestation brand according to car brand and model, ensure security and quality.
  • Before maintenance, seek advice from much home to maintain inn, understand the price and service content, good, technology maintains choice reputation excellently inn.
  • According to vitreous attaint circumstance, the choice is repaired or change, avoid needless expenditure.

The place on put together is narrated, element of price of automobile glass maintenance is complex and diversiform, but when be faced with glass to maintain a problem, rational choice maintains program, ensure drive safety and economic material benefit.

Thank you to read the article, the hope understands automobile glass price and choice maintenance program to be helped somewhat to you.
