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Art collectors are going bananas over an artwork that essentially consists of a real banana duct-taped to a white wall at an art gallery, with some paying as much as $120,000 for it. 在一个画廊内,艺术品收藏家们正为一根被贴在白色墙壁上的香蕉而疯狂,这件所谓的艺术品竟售出了高达12万美元(约合人民币84.4万元)的天价。 Titled "Comedian", the original artwork by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan was on sale last week from Parisian gallery Perrotin, at the Art Basel festival in Miami. The first edition of the artwork was snatched up by a French art collector for the mind-blowing price of $120,000, and according to gallery owner Emmanuel Perrotin a second edition of Comedian was already sold for the same dizzying price. After successfully selling two bananas for a total of $240,000, the artist and the Perrotin gallery owner decided to up the price of the third edition to $150,000. 这件由意大利艺术家莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰创作的原始艺术品名为“喜剧演员”,上周在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展上由贝浩登画廊出售。该艺术品的第一版被一位法国艺术品收藏家以惊人的12万美元的价格买走,据画廊老板伊曼纽尔·贝浩登称,第二版“喜剧演员”也已经以同样令人晕眩的价格售出。在以24万美元的总价成功卖出两根香蕉之后,这位艺术家和贝浩登画廊老板决定将第三版的价格提高到15万美元。 "We already sold it!” a triumphant Emmanuel Perrotin told reporters. "It's a miracle; I don't know how this happened!" 得意洋洋的伊曼纽尔·贝浩登告诉记者说:“我们已经把它卖出去了!这是一个奇迹,我都不知道这是怎么发生的!” Apparently Cattelan is considered somewhat of a prankster in the art world, but Perrotin Gallery insists that the artwork currently causing such a stir in the art world is no joke. In fact, the artist allegedly came up with the idea for Comedian last year, and spent a lot of time considering every aspect of the artwork, from the shape of the fruit, to the angle it's been duct-taped to the wall, to the size of the wall itself. He even considered using a fake banana in the beginning. 显然卡特兰在艺术界被视为恶作剧者,但贝浩登画廊坚持认为目前这件在艺术界引起轰动的艺术品并不是个玩笑。事实上,据称这位艺术家去年想到了“喜剧演员”这个点子,并花了很多时间来考虑这件艺术品的各个方面,从水果的形状到用胶带贴在墙上的角度,再到墙本身的大小。他一开始甚至还考虑使用假香蕉。 "Every time he traveled, he brought a banana with him and hung it in his hotel room to find inspiration,” a statement from Perrotin Gallery stated. "He made several models: first in resin, then in bronze and in painted bronze, finally coming back to the initial idea of a real banana." 贝浩登画廊在一份声明中提到:“每次出门旅行时,他都会带上一根香蕉,并将其挂在酒店房间中以寻找灵感。他制造了很多种模型:首先是树脂材质,然后是青铜和彩绘青铜,最后才回到了最初的想法,那就是真正的香蕉。” If you're trying to figure out how the artist and his gallery settled on the price of $120,000 for Comedian, they apparently tried to strike a balance between an amount that would have been considered insignificant, and one that people would think of as outlandish. And they succeeded... 如果你想弄清楚这位艺术家及其画廊为何将“喜剧演员”的价格标为12万美元,他们显然试图在一个被人们视为微不足道的金额与被人们视为过于离奇的金额之间取得平衡,并且成功了。

Comedian has been a hit at Art Basel Miami, with visitors queuing up to snap selfies with it, but organizers aren't worried that the expensive artwork might get stolen. Should that happen, they already have another banana on hand. After all, without Maurizio Cattelan's certificate of authenticity it's just a banana duct-taped to a white wall. “喜剧演员”在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展上大受好评,参观者们甚至排队与之自拍合影,但主办方并不担心这件昂贵的艺术品可能被盗。如果出现这种情况,他们随时准备好再贴上另一根香蕉。毕竟如果没有莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰的真品证书,那只不过是一根被粘在白墙上的普通香蕉而已。 An artwork of an overripe banana duct-taped to a wall that sold for $120,000 has been eaten by a separate performance artist. 一根用胶带粘在墙上的熟透了的香蕉——以12万美元售出的艺术品——已经被一名独立的行为艺术家吃掉。 The artwork, titled Comedian, by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, was on display at the international gallery Perrotin at Art Basel in Miami. 意大利艺术家莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰创作的这件名为“喜剧演员”的艺术品当时正在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展的贝浩登国际画廊展位上展出。 Three buyers bought the limited-edition pieces of the banana art this week. 本周已有三位买主买走了这款限量版香蕉艺术品。 But performance artist David Datuna pulled it from the wall, peeled it and devoured it on Saturday. 但是周六(12月7日)那天,行为艺术家大卫·达图纳将香蕉从墙上撕下来,剥了皮大口吃掉。 "Art performance by me. I love Maurizio Cattelan artwork and I really love this installation. It's very delicious," Mr Datuna posted on Instagram. 达图纳在Instagram上发帖称:“这是我的艺术表演。我喜爱莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰的作品,也很喜欢这件艺术品。香蕉非常美味。” Despite the initial anger of a member of staff, the banana was swiftly replaced and no further action will be taken. 尽管画廊的一名职员最初很恼火,但很快便更换了香蕉,也没有采取后续行动。 The art reportedly comes with a certificate of authenticity, meaning owners can replace the banana. 据报道这件艺术品带有真品证书,这意味着买主可以更换香蕉。 "[Datuna] did not destroy the art work. The banana is the idea," Lucien Terras, a director at the gallery, told the Miami Herald. 画廊的一名主管吕西安·特拉斯告诉《迈阿密先驱报》说:“达图纳没有毁掉这件艺术品。香蕉是个创意。” Police were later deployed to guard the replacement banana. 后来画廊部署了警员,来守卫那根香蕉替代品。

