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Dieting doesn't mean giving up your favorite food (but it does mean having a lot less of it). 节食并不意味着要放弃你最喜欢的食物(但你确实会少吃很多)。 A woman from Talladega, Ala., revealed how she lost more than 90 pounds without giving up her favorite foods. Instead, she focused on portion control and reportedly cut her calorie intake in half. 一位来自阿拉巴马州塔拉迪加的女士讲述了她是如何在不放弃最喜欢的食物的情况下减掉了90多磅。据报道,她注意控制份量,并把卡路里摄入量减少了一半。 Jessica Dotson would constantly eat 20-piece McNuggets and large French fries from McDonald's, The Sun reports. 据《太阳报》报道,杰西卡·多森经常吃麦当劳麦乐鸡块(20块)和薯条(大份)。 "I could eat a 20-piece chicken McNugget box and large fries by myself," she explained to the news outlet. It was basically gluttony, just eating and eating. I had McDonald's nearly every day. Food was my coping mechanism, so whenever I got upset about something I would just eat.” “我可以一个人吃掉20块麦乐鸡块和大份薯条,”她向新闻媒体解释道。“基本上就是暴饮暴食,不停地吃啊吃。我几乎每天都吃麦当劳。食物是我的减压途径,每当我对某事感到沮丧的时候,我就会吃东西。” After having her second child and dealing with high blood pressure problems during both pregnancies, she decided to make a change. At just 26, Dotson reportedly weighed over 250 pounds. 两次怀孕期间,她都有高血压,而在生了第二个孩子之后,她决定做出改变。据报道,年仅26岁的多森体重超过250磅。

She decided to try the 16:8 diet, which involves eating only during an eight-hour window and then fasting the other 16 hours of the day. Aside from changing her eating habits, she also cut her daily calorie intake nearly in half. 她决定尝试16:8节食法,也就是只在8小时内进食,并在一天中的其他16小时里禁食。除了改变饮食习惯,她还将每日卡路里摄入量减少了近一半。 Before changing her diet, Dotson would eat fast food (usually McDonald's) for lunch and dinner, along with pancakes and Pop-Tarts throughout the rest of the day. After starting her diet, she added more variety to her diet, although she would still eat McDonald's for lunch (not every day though). 在改变饮食之前,多森午餐和晚餐都会吃快餐(通常是麦当劳),在其他时间里还会吃煎饼和果馅饼。在开始节食后,她的饮食更加多样化,尽管她午餐还是会吃麦当劳(虽然不是每天都吃)。 A major change that she made was dropping to the six-piece McNugget meal as opposed to the 20-piece. 她做出的重大改变是把麦乐鸡套餐从20块改为6块。 After nine months, Dotson has reportedly dropped 98 pounds, although she still plans on losing more. 据报道,9个月后,多森已经减掉了98磅,不过她还打算继续减肥。 "Before, it was fast food. Even if I wasn't eating out I was cooking something greasy at home," Dotson explained. "I still find pleasure in my food, it's my main thing." “以前(我喜欢的)是快餐。即使我不在外面吃饭,我也会在家里做一些油腻的东西。”多森解释道。“如今我依然能从食物中找到乐趣,这是我主要的爱好。”

