YunnanIt is a province of Chinese south, the ethical culture with its rich and colorful, magnificent natural sight and distinctive geographical characteristic and famed. Provide one of province of culture and ethical characteristic most as China, yunnan is attracting countless tourists every year to come round to explore.
Yunnan provinceBe located in southwest ministry of China, situation is advantaged, have high mountain, gorge, laky wait for a variety of natural landscape with selva. The main city that can see Yunnan is saved on the map includes lira of Kunming, Dali, Li Jiang, sweet case to wait, every city has its individual amorous feelings and charm.
In Yunnan, the tourist can admire magnificent natural sight, river of dark blue of the Long Xueshan that be like jade, billows, stone forest; Also can appreciate long historical culture, if Li Jiang is ancient city, build water ancient cool with cold water or ice to wait; Have individual ethical amorous feelings more, be like the yuan of open terraced field, culture that breath out the Buddhist nun to wait. On this land, each place tourist attraction is worth traveler to explore.
Before travelling toward Yunnan afore, the tourist needs to had made sufficient strategy preparation. Because Yunnan is located in highland, climate is changeful, proposal tourist carries right amount clothings, in order to have untimely needs. Additional, when choosing travel course and traffic way, also need to plan ahead of schedule, ensure trip is successful.
As a whole, yunnan is a place that is full of glamour and marvellous spectacle, each surprises that to the tourist that visit opportunity discovery belongs to him. The expeditionary brigade that hopes this Yunnan saves travel map and travel strategy to be able to be you provides a few helps. Thank you to read the article!