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  • 1. 《父母必读》 - 由美国著名儿科医生撰写,介绍了孩子从出生到成年的成长与教育,是很多家庭的必备育儿书籍。
  • 2. 《情商培养经典》 - 关于培养孩子情商的书籍,深入浅出地介绍了培养孩子情商的重要性以及方法。
  • 3. 《安静》 - 一本关于如何在嘈杂的世界中,让孩子获得内心的安静与平静的书籍。非常适合当代繁忙的家长。
  • 4. 《父母的故事,孩子的成长》 - 作者从心理学的角度揭示了父母对孩子成长的重要性,同时也为父母指明了正确的育儿方向。
  • 5. 《孩子,让我来教你》 - 一本关于亲子教育的书籍,作者从自身教育孩子的经历出发,分享了很多实用的育儿经验。
  • 6. 《童年不完美》 - 介绍了孩子心理健康的养成,帮助父母更好地了解孩子的内心世界。
  • 7. 《孩子你慢慢来》 - 一本关于放慢生活节奏、耐心教育孩子的书籍,对当代快节奏生活下的教育起到了很好的提示作用。
  • 8. 《我的第一本教育书》 - 一本介绍了孩子教育的基本原则和方法的书籍,适合对教育有迷茫的父母。
  • 9. 《爸爸的育儿锦囊》 - 作为一本专为爸爸准备的育儿书籍,涵盖了很多实用的育儿技巧。
  • 10. 《妈妈的最怕》 - 内容丰富多彩,从女性视角出发,分享了很多实用的育儿知识。




The value that the family teachs

The family teachs the central issue that is social attention all the time. Affect what the child grows to be taught besides the school, parents is acting crucial role in child growing process. Accordingly, a lot of parents are searching Yo the book will obtain better Yo experience.

The Yo with right choice book

The emerge in large numbers on market many Yo book, parents often do not know how to should select appropriate works. A good Yo the book can help parents know the child better not only, the Yo that returns science of can directive parents method.

10 Yo that read surely book

  • 1." parents is read surely " - by the United States compose of famous and paediatrics doctor, introduced the child to grow from what be born to manhood with education, the necessary Yo that is a lot of families book.
  • 2." business develops condition classical " - the book about business of education child affection, ground of explain the profound things in a simple way introduced to develop the importance of child affection business and method.
  • 3." quiet " - where about be like originally in noisy world, those who let the child win a heart is quiet the book with calm. Suit contemporary and busy parent very much.
  • 4." parental story, of the child grow " - the author announced from psychological angle the importance that parents grows to the child, the Yo that also shows for parents palpability is correct at the same time direction.
  • 5." the child, let me teach you " - about kissing child educational book, the author sets out from the experience that teachs the child personally oneself, shared a lot of practical Yo experience.
  • 6." childhood is faulty " - the nurturance that introduced child mental health, help parents knows inner world of the child better.
  • 7." you come to the child slowly " - a literature that teachs the child about rhythm of rein in life, patience, to fast now rhythm the education below the life had very good clew effect.
  • 8." the first my education book " - the book of the basic principle that introduced child education originally and method, suit to have confused father and mother to education.
  • 9." father's Yo bright and beautiful bursa " - the Yo that serves as to prepare for father only book, covered a lot of practical Yo skill.
  • 10." of mom most be afraid of " - content rich and colorful, set out from female perspective, shared a lot of practical Yo knowledge.

Above these books, the square field surface in covering the child to grow, no matter be educational principle or specific Yo method, offerred a lot of practical guidance and proposal for the parent. Hope these books can help more parents become better father and mother.

Finally, thank you to read this article, the Yo that hopes these are recommended the Yo that the book can be you the road brings a few helps.

