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Biochemical crisis 2: Classical game introduces

"Biochemical crisis 2" it is a game of classical fire of the 3rd person, by sky blocking general the company is developed and released first 1998. Game set is in dummy "Help elder brother city" , the player acts constabulary Lai to hold He Kelai of Kennedy of · S · high heart of Er of humble of heart of Er · thunder, live in funeral cadaver craze and unlock all sorts of mysteries are round. The gut that with its insecurity stimulates, toll-gate that has challenge sex extremely designs game famed with diversiform enemy.

Biochemical crisis 2: Gut detail

" biochemical crisis 2 " after two months that gut set makes afore, the city that play elder brother is affected by T virus, be full of the person that funeral cadaver and other virus are affected. The player needs to discard live in the city in this, reveal the fact that is obscured in shadow. The multiple ending of game and hidden gut element added many pleasure for game.

Biochemical crisis 2: Part introduction

Leading role Lai holds Kennedy of · S · high brave, just, have rich fire skill and seek to live on ability. To it the search and comes to the city that play elder brother undergraduate that the Claire Leidefeierde of the partner is pair of elder brothers, her action is quick and decisive. In addition, there still are a series of unforgettable BOSS parts in game, brought diversiform challenge to players.

Biochemical crisis 2: Toll-gate design

" biochemical crisis 2 " set 4 main toll-gate in all, every toll-gate is having different setting and enemy. Arrive from police station, jail subterranean lab, every toll-gate presents the enigma that gives distinctive horrible atmosphere and elaborate design. The player needs prudent in different setting action, handle all sorts of resource, dig hidden prop, live in the town that in an attempt to fills danger in this go down.

As a whole, "Biochemical crisis 2" with its the gut of exciting, diversiform part, delicate toll-gate is designed, presented horror of a collect, adventure and riddle to experience at the game of an organic whole for players.

Thank you to read the article, the hope understands you " biochemical crisis 2 " game is helped somewhat.

