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  • 感谢您的阅读。以上视频教程将帮助您轻松学会基础健身动作,让您的健身之路更上一层楼!



    Fitness is a kind of healthy lifestyle, but to abecedarian, often do not know from why to begin. The article will introduce motion of 5 foundations fitness for you, tie-in video tutorial, help you master gymnastical skill quickly, let you also can undertake fitness easily in the home.


    Push-up is movement of a kind of very common upper limbs training, before to exercising chest muscle, humerus triceps is mixed, curium flesh has very good effect. Correct push-up pose and breathing skill are crucial to the effect. The following video sets an example the push-up movement that demonstrates a standard, make you relaxed learn.

  • Video link: (here inserts push-up video to link)
  • Crouch greatly

    Crouching greatly is sarcous of training lower limbs significant action, can exercise ham muscle effectively group with coxal muscle. The need when crouching greatly notices the centre of gravity place of the angle of knee and body, incorrect crouch a pose greatly to be able to increase wounded risk. Crouch a pose greatly through what the following video learns a standard, assure your training effect and security.

  • Video link: (here is inserted crouch video greatly to link)
  • Sit-ups

    Sit-ups is the classical movement that trains abdominal muscle, right act can stimulate abdominal muscle effectively, model good figure. Nevertheless, a lot of people are undertaking sit-ups errs constantly, bring about training effect to sell at a discount greatly. The video below will teach you how to do sit-ups correctly, the abdominal muscle that lets you trains get twice the result with half the effort.

  • Video link: (here inserts sit-ups video to link)
  • Pull forcedly

    Press the omnibus practice action that is sex of a whole body forcedly, the force of ministry of the small of the back, coxal to increasing, shoulder and hand ministry has very good effect. But because the movements is relative complex, if carelessly detail gets hurt very easily. The video below will teach you how to be finished correctly press an action forcedly, make you relaxed master this one fundamental strength to train a movement.

  • Video link: (here is inserted pull video forcedly to link)
  • Pull-up

    Pull-up is the significant action that exercises back and upper limbs power, also need certain skill and power. The pose can let correct pull-up the stimulation that muscle gets the oldest rate, had done this movement to bring very big gain to your back and arm. The following video will teach the pull-up that how you achieve a level the motion, it is better to let your back and arm get take exercise.

  • Video link: (here inserts pull-up video is linked)
  • Thank you read. Above video tutorial will help you learn fundamental fitness movement easily, the road of the fitness that lets you is further upward!

