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1. 多元智能教育: 根据孩子的兴趣和特长进行教育,包括语言智能、数学逻辑智能、空间智能、音乐节奏智能、人际关系智能、自我认知智能、身体运动智能等方面。

2. 阅读启蒙: 培养孩子的阅读习惯和阅读能力,扩展孩子的知识面,激发孩子的想象力和创造力。

3. 体验式学习: 让孩子通过实际体验和操作,培养解决问题的能力和创造力。

4. 家庭教育: 家长要做好榜样,注重家庭教育,关心孩子的情感需求,引导孩子正确的价值观和人生观。


1. 个体差异: 每个孩子的智力和潜力都不同,家长要注重发现和培养孩子的优势,不要过分强求。

2. 鼓励和肯定: 学习过程中要及时给予孩子鼓励和肯定,不要过分苛求和批评。

3. 营造良好的学习环境: 安静、舒适的学习环境有助于孩子的学习和思考。





Why intelligence an wisdom is right the child's importance

Intelligence an wisdom is the integrated expression such as ability of the intelligence that points to the child, thinking, creativity, to the child's future development is having crucial effect. A clever child obtains good result more easily on school work, obtain self-identity more easily in socialization to feel, more advantageous also to professional development of future.

Develop the method of child intelligence an wisdom

1.Multivariate intelligent education: Have education according to the child's interest and specialty, include logic of language intelligence, maths the respect such as intelligence of movement of intelligence of acknowledge of intelligence, space intelligence, musical rhythm intelligence, human relation intelligence, ego, body.

2.Read illuminative: Rear the child read be used to and read capability, the intellectual face of patulous child, stimulate the child's imagination and creativity.

3.Experience type study: Let the child carry practical experience and operation, education solves the ability of the problem and creativity.

4.Domestic education: The parent should make good example, pay attention to domestic education, care affection demand of the child, guide the child's true viewpoint of value and philosophy.

The note that intelligence an wisdom fosters

1.Individual difference: The intelligence of every child and latent capacity are different, the parent should pay attention to discovery and the dominant position that develop the child, do not want to be importuned overly.

2.Encourage and affirm: In learning a process, want to give in time the child is encouraged and affirm, sue for peace of not beyond the mark exacting is criticized.

3.Build favorable learning environment: Learn and think what learn an environment to conduce to the child quietly, cozily.


Pass above method and note, parents can help the child develop intelligence an wisdom better, the child also can meet prospective challenge better in full-scale development, do a clever, person that has wisdom.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, you can understand the intelligence an wisdom that how rears the child better.
