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  • 过油肉:这是当地人最常享用的一道美食,肉质鲜嫩多汁,裹上一层金黄的脆皮,散发着诱人的香味。
  • 刀削面:平遥刀削面也是闻名遐迩,面条劲道爽滑,浇上鲜美的牛肉汤汁,回味无穷。
  • 糕点:平遥的传统糕点也是不可错过的美味,琳琅满目的点心种类,口感甜美可口。










Savour cate of smooth Yao characteristic

Ping Yao, one is full of the Gu Cheng of historical lasting appeal, having rich culture to inside information not only, still having the cate of lick one's chaps letting a person. In this cate heaven, believe you won't miss the characteristic cate that local of the following appearance likes most:

  • Cross oily flesh: This is local most a cate that often enjoys, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender and juicily, wrap a golden crackling, sending out inviting fragrance.
  • The knife cuts an area: Making the same score Yao knife to cut an area also is famed far and near, bright of noodle interest path slips, irrigate on delicious beef soup juice, the aftertaste is boundless.
  • Cake: Traditional cake of Ping Yao also is what cannot miss is delicate, the mug-up of full of beautiful things in eyes is phyletic, mouthfeel is melting and goluptious.

Seek the story of pure cate backside

Besides sample cate, more the story that is necessary to understand their backside. Ping Yao's cate is bearing the weight of rich historical culture, each cate is having the story that interweaves each other with Gu Cheng and inheritance.

For instance, too oily flesh so delicate, result from Ping Yao is traditional " taste 4 make " raise reach particular treatment craft. Every cross oily flesh backside together, what Douyun is containing pair of conventional technology is successive with innovation.

Cate culture experiences

Can sample not only cate, more organic meeting participates in cate culture of place to experience. For instance, can head for local market, learn cooking skill with local woman, make a knife cut an area with one's own hands, experience Ping Yao to the person is had deep love for to alimental and hold to.

In the meantime, also can search those chophouse that hide inside dweller building in streets and lanes, as communicative as local hurried genu, listen attentively to their distinctive opinion to cate, the enthusiasm that appreciates smooth Yao person to treat cate and discreet.

Anyhow, seek cate culture of Ping Yao, it is the brigade of a taste bud not only, it is interior brigade more, it is the true experience of pair of place culture and the milk of human kindness.

Thank you to read the article, hope this strategy can help you appreciate the beauty of Ping Yao's cate better.

