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  • 智能家电:智能空调、智能冰箱、智能洗衣机等,通过连接互联网和传感器技术,能够实现远程控制和自动化操作,提升家居生活的便利性。
  • 智能安防:智能摄像头、智能门锁、智能安防系统等,可以通过手机或其他智能设备实时查看家里的情况,并且能够智能识别异常情况,保障家庭安全。
  • 智能环境:智能灯光、智能空气净化器、智能窗帘等,能够根据环境变化自动调节,提升生活舒适度。
  • 智能娱乐:智能音响、智能投影仪、智能电视等,能够实现音视频娱乐的智能化控制,为家庭娱乐提供更丰富的体验。




  • 集中式智能家居系统:采用集中控制器,通过有线或无线方式连接各个智能设备,实现集中控制和管理,操作简单,但安装和维护成本较高。
  • 分布式智能家居系统:各个智能设备之间相互连接,实现智能化交互和控制,具有弹性和可扩展性,但需要较强的技术支持。
  • 混合式智能家居系统:结合了集中式和分布式的特点,通过中央控制单元和智能设备之间的双向通讯,实现智能控制和管理,兼具灵活性和稳定性。




As the ceaseless progress of science and technology, intelligence lives in the one part in becoming people to live, they were offerred for our life more convenient with comfortable experience. Intelligent household product is varied, can undertake classified according to function and applied setting, at the same time these products can are by conformity in intelligent household system, come true more the control that intelligence turns and management.

Intelligence lives in a product to classify

Intelligent household product can mix according to the function the type that uses setting cent to be a variety of differring:

  • Intelligent home appliance: Washing machine of freezer of intelligent air conditioning, intelligence, intelligence, adopt join Internet and sensor technique, can realize long-range control and automation operation, the convenience sex that promotes household the life.
  • How does intelligence prevent: Intelligence is photographed how to prevent a system to wait like door lock of head, intelligence, intelligence, can examine the case in the home in real time through mobile phone or other intelligence equipment, and can intelligence spots unusual situation, ensure domestic safety.
  • Intelligent environment: Curtain of air purifier of intelligent lamplight, intelligence, intelligence, can change according to the environment self-adjusting, promotion life easy is measurable.
  • Intelligent recreation: TV of measuring projector of intelligent acoustics, intelligence, intelligence, can realize intelligence of phonic video recreational to turn control, provide richer experience for domestic entertainment.

Intelligence lives in a system to classify

Intelligent household system is all sorts of intelligence household product conformity is together, realize intelligence to change management and pilot system through central control unit.

Differentiate according to controlling means and function, intelligent household system can divide it is the following kinds:

  • Intelligence of collect Chinese style lives in a system: Use concentration controller, join through wired or wireless means each intelligent equipment, implementation focuses control and management, the operation is simple, but install and maintain cost taller.
  • Distributed intelligence lives in a system: Each intelligence join each other between equipment, implementation intelligence is changed mix interactively control, have flexibility and but expansibility, but the technical support with stronger need.
  • Composite intelligence lives in a system: Combined collect Chinese style and distributed characteristic, carry the two-way news report between central control unit and intelligent equipment, achieve intelligent control and administration, hold a flexibility and stability concurrently.

Pass the classification of above, we can understand intelligence to live in the sort of product and system and characteristic better, choose in daily life for us and apply intelligence to live in a product to provide reference.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the article to be able to understand intelligence in the round to live in classification more, the intelligent household life that is you brings more advantage and comfortable.
