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1. 为什么狗会汪汪叫?


2. 为什么手指会皱起来?

手指在长时间浸泡在水中后会变得皱起来,是因为皮肤细胞吸水膨胀,而手指的外层皮肤相对较 stratum corneum 时容易变形。

3. 为什么月亮会在白天出现?


4. 为什么大脑会产生“耳虫”?


5. 为什么眼泪会让人情绪舒缓?


6. 为什么我们会打呵欠?


7. 为什么手指会有指纹?


8. 为什么我们会打喷嚏?


9. 为什么我们会流口水?


10. 为什么我们会梦到掉下去而醒来?




1.Why does meeting bark make the dog?

Because they pass this kind of means to imitate a wolf,the dog barks with tearful sound is group year of medium young member, will draw master attention with this.

2.Why is finger pursy come?

Finger is immersing for long to be able to become pursy after water is medium come, because skin cell is bibulous,be expand, and what the hand points to is outer the skin is opposite relatively changeful entity is allowed when Stratum Corneum.

3.Why is the moon met does days appear?

Moon days appears, because the relative position of it and earth affects,be. The moon winds earthly orbit campaign, buy of counterpoint of ceaseless commutation photograph, because this is met,appear in the earth with the night by day.

4.Why can cerebrum arise " ear bug " ?

Cerebrum arises " ear bug " it is illusion of perception of a kind of provisionality, when appearing in insecurity of state of mind of a person or angst normally, cerebrum can think the cacophony all round to there is worm in ear by accident climbing.

5.Why can tear make favor mood slow?

A kind of nerve that be called is contained to grow in tear the material of factor, it can alleviate mood and ache, and be had to the body fight bacterium action. So tear can let favor mood get slow.

6.Why can we yawn?

Yawn conduce to let cerebrum get more oxygen, and can be helped regain consciousness and life-giving. In the meantime, the cerebra that yawns to also can let us comes down calmly, dissolve pressure.

7.Why can finger have loops and whorls on a finger?

The dactylogram on finger is grow by the skin of fetal period the drape in development process forms, the dactylogram of everybody is unique, the DNA that resembles a person is same.

8.Why our meeting sneeze?

Sneeze is the body helps us a kind of natural reaction of the eyewinker in cleared nose and exciter, can protect respiratory tract to not be damaged so kill.

9.Why our meeting dribble?

Of saliva secrete can help us digest food, maintain oral cavity wet, and can have the effect to health of protective oral cavity.

10.Why to our meeting dream arrives and awake?

This kind of dream is called normally " Jing dream " , because cerebrum uses Morpheus phase occurrence molestation in quick look,be, cause body perception to appear unbalanced and the reaction of a kind of dream of generation.

Thank you to read the article, a few phenomena in hoping these cold knowledge can make you right live have more thorough knowledge.
