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1. 大峡谷


2. 北极光


3. 大堡礁


4. 喜马拉雅山脉


5. 天空之镜





Nature is the cradle that our Lai Yisheng puts, also be the endless treasury that we explore. In this wonderful world, nature gifted we the gift of a lot of acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person, included a lot of acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person among themNatural marvellous spectacle. Next, we will take you to explore this 5 nature marvellous spectacle in wonderful world together.

1.Big gorge

Big gorge is located in Arizona city of the United States, it is one of the grandest gorge on the world. Lie across pulls much highland at division collect, big gorge is as long as 277 miles, be as deep as 6000 feet. It is famed with its magnificent geological and magnificent sight and diversiform ecosystem at the world.

2.Aurora borealis

Aurora borealis is a kind extremely infrequent and beautiful optical phenomenon, see in polar area. When electrified particle from sun wind and interaction of earthly magnetic field, can produce this one flowery natural marvellous spectacle. The ray of its flowery colour and bright lets a person acclaim as the peak of perfection.

3.Big fort reef

Big fort reef of Australia is the oldest cay system on the world, also be one of the most numerous biology community on the earth. The marine biology of its rich and colorful and colorful coral group too many things to see letting a person, be known as garden of tellurian sea floor.

4.The Himalayas arteries and veins

The Himalayas arteries and veins is the altitude on the world the mountain range with highest, the most grandiose dimensions, its over or across 5 countries. The grand scenery of Mount Everest and steep hill body make a person acclaim as the peak of perfection, attracting lots and lots of climber and explorer come round to challenge.

5.Celestial lens

The Wu Youni salina of Bolivia is called " celestial lens " , because be when monsoon, salina is flooded by the flood, form a calm surface. Mirrorring sky and cloud, your person ases if in world of face of place oneself Yu Jing, too many beautiful things.

Above 5 nature marvellous spectacle, the magical glamour that showed nature to fall in condition of different district, different climate. We should be cherished doubly and caress these natural marvellous spectacle, also hope the mankind can as harmonious as nature coexist, safeguard these precious gifts jointly.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, you can understand this natural marvellous spectacle in wonderful world deep more, also can have more experience to the magical glamour of nature.

